"Well, let's get to Feldcroft." Sebastian went first and the rest of us followed.

"He got you a house?!"

"Imelda, lower your voice!" 

"They are both in Sebastian's house, they can't here me."

"I'm standing right next to you, still no reason to yell." 

"(Y/n), he got you a house."

"Yes I know Imelda. I honestly can't believe it either really. That's not all. Follow me." I grab my nab sack and we walk outside. I start showing her around town. "There is a potions master who lives in town, his name is Percival. All those weekends that Sebastian was coming here and not telling us what he was doing, well him and Percival were building all of these pens for my beasts."

"You're kidding me? How many beasts do you have exactly? And the big pens, what are they for? And how are you going to keep them all safe from poachers."

"Well, keeping them safe, Rose, who is the other resident in town was an auror before she came here. She knew how to cast a protection spell and no person with bad intentions can enter this place. It's my magical beasts sanctuary. As for how many I have... Would you like to help me release them?"

"Absolutely I would!" I walk over to the house we were closest to. Sebastian had pointed out that Rose lived in this one. I knocked on the door and waited. A woman who was not older than 40 opened the door.

"Oh hello dear. Can I help you?"

"Good morning, Rose, correct?"

"Oh, you must be (Y/n)! Sebastian has told me so much about you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well, Sebastian told me you have a certain fondness for nifflers. I'm just about to release them if you'd like to come with."

"Oh, I would love to! I'll follow you." She closed her door behind me and we regrouped with Imelda. The two of them exchanged names and shook hands, then looked to me. I walked into the pen and set my nab sack on the ground.

"Hey wait for us!" I turned to see that Sebastian and Ominis were running over to us. They were slightly out of breath, but I could see in Sebastian's eyes that he was very excited. I crouched down and touched my wand to the top of the bag. 

"Accio Niffler." The nab sack started to shake and the top opened up. My nifflers started to crawl out of the bag, carefully inspecting their new surroundings. Soon they were back to rolling around and sniffing the air. I got down lower to them and whispered so the others couldn't here me. "Listen, if you are going to steal anything Shiny, take it from Sebastian's house. No stealing from the older lady or older gentleman that live here." The mama niffler sniffed my face and then turned to rejoin her babies. Well, I shouldn't really say babies anymore, they were almost fully grown. I exited the pen and turned to Rose. "Since you are new to them, whenever you want, just enter the pen and sit on the ground. Let them come sniff you and they should get acquainted quickly. The younger ones are more curious, so they should actually come to you first... maybe in the next day or two."

"Oh, thank you dear."

Ominus, Imelda, Sebastian and I left Rose by the nifflers and we went to the next pen. One by one I released all of the smaller beasts. Puffskeins, Kneazles, Diricawls and Mooncalves. "You guys ready for the bigger beasts now?"

"Yes! What are you going to release now?"

"You'll see Imelda, calm down." I walked over to the first of the big pens and set my bag down. "Accio thestrals." This pen was the one behind my house. I wanted the thestrals closest to me. "Imelda, you won't be able to see them, I'm sorry."

"From what I can tell in books, the drawings of them are beautiful."

"They are. They are my favorite." The mama thestral came right up to me and laid its head against my back, I turned around to pet it's ears. "You're safe here, both you and your baby." She snorted at me and then went running with her baby and the two other thestrals. We released the hippogriffs next, then the unicorn.

"You have so many beasts, I never knew!"

"I still have two more, and one being delivered to me next week, but I need to prepare to release them."

"What are they?"

"You have to swear not to mention to a single person. Both you and Ominis."

"We swear." The both of them said it in unison. I sighed and then looked at Sebastian. He already knows one, but the other two I've never mentioned or showed to him.

"A phoenix." Imelda's face looked stunned.

"You are joking me."

"Wait, you said two, and one being delivered next week?" Ominis spoke in a confused tone.

"I have a Graphorn. I've had him since fifth year."

"No you don't." Once again, Imelda looked stunned as she spoke.

"I do. I'd show you, but the pen I would put him in is not nearly secure enough for him."

"Sebastian, did you know about this?"

"I didn't... otherwise I would have built a stronger fence."

"You support this?"

"Fully. If she's been bonded to it since fifth year, she can't just get rid of it."

"Graphorns are fiercely dangerous!"

"Yes they are Ominis. Graphorns are some of the most dangerous magical beast out there, just behind dragons themselves, but you know what else they are? As much as they are dangerous, they are loyal. I showed my worth to it back in fifth year as I needed it to finish my training to wield my ancient power. The graphorn was my final trial and they bond to their owners until one of them dies first."

"Can you control it?" Imelda looks scared, but also trusting of my words.

"Yes. Graphorns and their owners share a bond and I can talk to it just as easily as I talk to you. He does whatever I ask, which is why when the pen is ready for him, I will release him. I will then introduce him to Sebastian finally, then Rose and Percival. I will have him protect this town and the other beasts that live here. Because of how Graphorns are, he will listen to my commands. He will not attack, unless I tell him to."

"It truly is amazing how much knowledge of beasts my girlfriend knows isn't it?" Ominis smirked at Sebastian then grabbed Imelda's hand.

"Well, I apologize you two, but we must be off. We have to catch the train this afternoon to make it back to Imelda's family home." Imelda looked as if she was going to cry. She hugged me tightly and I didn't think she was going to let go. She backed away and Ominis gave me a hug as well. We watched them walk back to the floo flame and Sebastian grabbed my hand. He continued to hold it as we waved goodbye to our friends.

"I'm gonna miss them."

"Oh Sebastian. This isn't goodbye forever. You know that."

"I think you might have caught them off guard with the graphorn, but what do you have being delivered next week?"

"If you could help me, I'll be meeting some centaurs in the forest up on that hill. They are bringing me snidgets."

"Very funny, those are extinct."

"Except for the ones that poppy and I discovered. They are at breeding age and the centaurs want my help to do it. They are giving me a male and female."

"Is that why you charmed your basement?" I looked at him and his cheeks were red. "Rose made bread for me, but it was to much so I brought some to your house. I accidentally fell through the hatch. So we may need to build a stronger one."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now