"Cover your eyes. I want to show you something when we get there." He stepped behind me and tied the scarf around my eyes. The next thing I knew the breeze was hitting  my face. Sebastian guided me down a path and then we came to a stop. "Now, this is why I have been missing every weekend." He took the scarf off my eyes and as they adjusted I saw small pens in the middle of the village with feeders in them.

"Did you do all of this?" 

"Percival and I did. Look up there." He pointed behind us in the fields surrounding the village. "We fenced everything in for the larger beasts as well. Also, apparently the old woman used to be an auror. She put a protection spell around the whole area, anyone with negative intentions can't pass through it."

"So no poachers."

"No poachers."

"Does the old woman have a name so I can thank her properly?" He smirked and dropped his head.

"It's Rose. She also took on her own project while Percival and I did all of this. Come here." He lead me through the rest of town. So many stone walled pens for beasts everywhere. We walked up to the house that neighbored Sebastian's. The garden was flourishing and flowers were everywhere in the front. Vines crept up the sides and front of the house. We walked in and the house was spotless and fully furnished. 

"Why? Why did they do all of this?"

"When I told them what my plan was, they became beyond happy. Somebody new wanted to live in the town and bring something positive to it. I also promised Rose all the baby niffler snuggles she wanted and the same to Percival, but with mooncalves. I know you never gave me an answer on actually coming here, but I wanted to show you what could be possible. So, I have given you your magical beasts sanctuary." 

"Well, I best not disappoint."

"So, you'll come then?"

"How can I not. Thank you Sebastian." I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me. He then let me go and looked at my face. "Sebastian... can I-"

"If you have to ask, then maybe you shouldn't." I smiled at him and he pressed our lips together. It didn't last long before he broke it. "We should get back to school. I think you have two rooms to pack up now. Moving beasts won't be easy." 

"Sebastian, wait." I grabbed his arm as he started to walk away. "Can we talk about... us."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"What are we to each other? We have had one date. One beautiful date. You sneak me away sometimes and kiss me. And now, now you have given me a place to stay and a place for me to raise my beasts, and you still sit here and kiss me. What is this? What are we doing?"

"Well... you know the rumor around school right?"

"You know I don't participate in gossip much unless Imelda brings it up."

"The rumor around school is that I'm your boyfriend, which would make you, my girlfriend."

"Is that what we are?"

"Well, I guess I never asked you properly."

"Is that what we want though? In our past conversations, you didn't want to go public with a relationship. And I was nervous about..."

"Falling in love." I looked down at the floor, slightly embarrassed of the reasoning I gave him in the past, especially now that I knew for myself that it was to late. I turned away from him and he gently touched my arm.

"I can't say this next part if I'm looking at you, so please just listen." I took a deep breath and he removed his hand. "I don't completely understand my own feelings right now. This... I've never felt this before. Nothing even closely related to it. I get happy in the morning when I wake up, knowing that I will get to see you. I search for you in the common room and in the halls. When you aren't at school on the weekends, I feel lonely. Even when I'm with Ominis and Imelda. It feels as if something is missing, and it's you. It's also not knowing what this is that we have. It's just a confusing mess that I want to stop thinking about, but I can't." I turned around to face him. He was quiet the whole time and just let me talk.

"You know why you don't know?" I shook my head waiting for an answer. "I was giving you space. I wanted to make sure that I didn't loose you. I said I didn't want to be public, but that's because I didn't want to be like the other students we see making out in the halls. I want people to know that you are mine, but not in a gross way like that. I also wanted you to be ready. I didn't want to push you into something until you were ready. I mean, I am the Sebastian Sallow. Dating me won't be an easy ride."

"Shut up."

"But being serious again. I think you are ready now, so if I can call you my girlfriend now, and you are okay with that, I would like to do that now."

"I believe that would be alright with me." He pulled me in close again and wrapped his arms around me. He wasn't to much taller than I was, but he still had to look down at me when we were this close.

"So how about it, shall we go back to school, girlfriend?"

"Or, we could spend the rest of the day here, in my house? That might take me awhile to get used to."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now