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25 years ago

Azazel, occupying the body of then-20-year-old Nathaniel Price, stared down at the twins with a mad grin on his face. He already dealt with the first set of twins and their families, now it was just the Winchester's.

Soft footsteps echoed towards the nursery and Azazel paused from reaching inside Molly's crib.

"John?" The tired voice of Mary Winchester whispered. She squinted in the darkness, trying to see the figure of whom she assumed was her husband standing by the cribs.

"Is he hungry?" Mary asked a little loudly since Azazel hadn't moved. He raised a slim finger to his lips and stayed silent. "Well... Alright."

Mary turned away and started walking towards the stairs. Azazel turned towards the nursery door, his yellow eyes glowing in the darkness as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Sammy! Sammy!" Mary screamed from downstairs and Azazel turned to Molly. The little baby started to whimper and cry. Azazel caressed Molly's head as Mary rushed into the room, gasping loudly when he turned to her.

"I told you I'd be back." Azazel spoke in a voice that didn't match his face. It was dark and it sent a horrified chill up Mary's spine and he raised his hand out. Mary crashed into a wall of the nursery before sliding up. She cried out for her children, for John to save her.

She was silenced by Azazel, muffling her cries as a pool of blood started to soak her white nightgown. Azazel grinned and turned back to Molly, picking the child up as Mary choked on her own blood.

Azazel looked up to Mary as John's footsteps stormed upstairs. "Say goodbye to Mommy." He disappeared just as John threw the nursery door open. Azazel was nowhere in sight, and John walked to Sam's crib.

"Hey, Sammy." John whispered, caressing his son's cheek. John turned to Molly's crib, eyes widening quickly when she was nowhere in sight.

Something dripped onto John's hand, causing him to look up and see the horror of Mary, who was still alive and trying to speak. John fell to the ground, terrified.

"Mary NO!" John staggered up as Mary burst into flames. Sam began wailing, and John lifted his son up before running out of the room.

Dean was running down the hallway when John rushed to him, giving Sam to his oldest son. "Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!"

Dean rushed down the stairs with his baby brother as John ran back into the nursery. His face burned from the fire and he rushed to Molly's crib, looking around in a panic. "MOLLY!"


Molly had fallen asleep again by the time Azazel reached his destination. The infant hadn't gone unnoticed by the demon that sat outside the Gate of Hell.

"I didn't know there was a guard." Azazel spoke quietly to himself. The Gate had been abandoned years ago, why a guard now?

The demon revealed her black eyes and walked up to Azazel, who had yet to reveal his own. "What's a man like you doing out here with a child?"

"I don't have time for this." Azazel seethed, the demon backing away as his yellow eyes had startled her.

"What's your business?"

"I don't need to explain why I'm here. Let me through." The demon looked down at the baby in Azazel's arms and scoffed, shaking her head.

"That baby is well and alive. You plan on just waltzing into Hell with a live newborn?" The demon raised a brow as Azazel shrugged.

RIGHTEOUS ⁴ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now