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Jenny finally slowed to a stop, breathing heavily and leaned over herself. She stood in front of the movie theater, looking up at it with a confused look. She groaned, gripping her legs and dry heaving as Dean and Molly stepped out of the Impala.

"Did... Did you run here?" Molly asked the obvious, Jenny slowly looking up. Her face was covered in sweat as well as her shirt having a ring of it on the collar. Some of her hair stuck to her face.

"No. I was actually driving an invisible car and my legs were the wheels." She spat sarcastically, inhaling for a long moment before slowly standing up. "I've been running for an hour. You could have just picked me up." Jenny told Dean, who gave her a quick and apologetic smile.

"I thought you'd get here before us."

"The motel is five miles from here." Jenny gestured behind her and Dean scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Jenny sighed. "Where's Sam? And why are we at a theater I thought we were going to Ed's house?"

"Apparently, this is where Ed stays." Dean gestured to the building and Jenny raised a brow. Molly cleared her throat.

"And Sam is with Jamie, making sure she's safe." She answered, opening the Impala's back door and leaned in. She stood up and tossed Jenny a water bottle. She popped the cap open and quickly chugged half of it before turning to Dean.

"So, we ready or what?"


"Hey look. Phantom of the Opera is showing." Molly pointed to the movie poster before Jenny ushered her along.

"I'm not the only one weirded out by the Organ music right?" Dean whispered as Molly shook her head. Jenny glanced at the two before leading them along. She checked her gun for a moment before slowly walking up behind the shadow of the man playing the organ. The music switched to something more happy before Jenny gripped his shoulder and spun him around. She kicked the seat away and slammed Ed into the organ, which thundered in their ears for a moment.

Ed let out a strange shriek as he noticed the golden gun pointed in his face, and how determined Jenny looked. "You, FBI people -- What did I—"

"Shut it!" Jenny moved the gun closer to Ed's face and he whimpered in fear. "You know what you did."

"What?" Ed asked, still horrified but now confused. Dean raised his gun to Ed, and the man flinched. Jenny gripped him tighter and held him in place. "Jesus you're stronger than you look."

"Shut up." Jenny repeated. "We know what you are."

"I'm not anything. I just like to play the Casio!" Ed defended himself. Jenny moved Ed's face with her gun, raising her brows.

"Had time to grow the ear back, huh?" She asked, Ed's eyes widening.


Molly stepped forward and yanked on Ed's ear and the man screamed in pain. The three Hunter's awkwardly glanced to each other.

"I thought it was supposed to come off." Molly whispered to Dean and Jenny, who looked to Ed as he shoved Jenny off of him.

"No, it's not!" Jenny turned to Dean, who very slowly started to lower his gun as Jenny did the same. She turned back to Ed and laughed quietly.

"This has... Bern a very big misunderstanding uhm— You just... Go back to playing Queso—"

"Casio!" Ed corrected Dean loudly and the three ran out the door.

"Okay. If it isn't Ed, then who the fuck is the shifter?"


Dean, Molly and Jenny walked into the bar, looking around in confusion when they couldn't find Sam. "Sammy?" Jenny called out, walking towards the bar.

RIGHTEOUS ⁴ - DEAN WINCHESTEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora