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A knock on the door alerted Jenny and she opened it. Samuel was standing in the doorway, brown now raised as he looked at Jenny's attire. She was dressed in a nun uniform without the hat. Her hair was pinned up, revealing her scar-free neck and a small smile was on her face.

"Sister, I see you beat me here."

"The Lord is funny that way." Jenny commented with a hum, gesturing to the woman behind her. "Beth Whitshire, this is my associate, our senior, senior priest, Father Chaney." Jenny joined Samuel outside on the doorstep.

"Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese." Samuel said as he clasped his hands together. Beth nodded slowly in thanks. Jenny turned to Samuel.

"Mrs. Whitshire was just telling me all about Tom, and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death." Jenny mentioned and Samuel nodded.

"I see, so you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?" He asked and Jenny raised a brow at him, turning to Beth.

"You mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back 40?" Samuel looked at Beth, stunned into silence. Jenny held back an amused smirk, turning to leave. Jenny walked up to Mary, who was talking to a boy, Charlie.

"Charlie, would you like to tell the Sister here what you just told me?" Mary suggested as Jenny approached them.

"Dad drank sometimes. Sometimes he got rough with Mom." Jenny stayed quiet, nodding slowly as Mary cleared her throat.

"And that's when the stranger came?"

"I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago."

"What was he saying?" Jenny asked Charlie, who started tearing up.

"Did I want the beatings to stop? I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think – and the next thing I know, Dad's dead. Am I going to jail?"

"You didn't do this, Charlie." Mary reassured, rubbing the boys shoulder.

"Did the stranger want something in return?" Jenny asked with a concerned tone, Charlie shaking his head.

"He didn't want anything."

"Come on, he wasn't just handing out freebies now, was he?"

"He did say something about comin' a callin' ten years from now. Maybe he'd want something then." Jenny's brows rose at Charlie, looking at Mary then back to the boy.

"Something like what?"

"I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts." Jenny was taken away by Mary, who had a firm grip on the woman's arm. "Hey! Gentleness never hurt anyone."

"What do you think?" Mary asked Jenny, who rubbed her arm in the spot Mary had gripped her. She sighed quietly.

"I think he just gave away his soul to a demon and doesn't even know it." Jenny looked over at Charlie with a solemn look, turning to Mary. The two walked back to the boy.

"Charlie, do you remember what this stranger looked like?"

"Yeah, he was about 5'10, white, normal looking really." Charlie explained as Jenny nodded.

"Anything else?" Mary asked.

"There was one thing." Charlie answered, thinking. "It's just, the light hit his eyes in a weird way and... for a moment I coulda sworn –"

"What? That they were black? Or red maybe?" Jenny wondered. But Charlie shook his head, looking to her.

"No, they were yellow. Pale yellow." Jenny felt a lump form in her throat and she turned to Mary. Mary looked at Jenny, wondering why she looked so nervous all of a sudden.

RIGHTEOUS ⁴ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now