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Jenny rubbed her temple in annoyance and pain as Anna-Marie slurped loudly from a cup. Dean and Molly looked to Jenny, who was wearing a large pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes from the light. Her head throbbed from her hangover and the urge to puke was close enough that she had to cover her mouth.

"And then it just -- it just tore Rick into little pieces." Anna-Marie said as Jenny could only give her a quick thumbs up. She couldn't nod without her brain slamming into her skull.

"We understand..." Jenny sat up and groaned, holding her head for a moment. "How difficult this is, but can you describe the creature?"

"Oh. It was a werewolf. Are you okay?" Anna-Marie asked Jenny, who smiled through the pain.

"Rough night."

You said a werewolf?" Molly asked and Anna-Marie hummed in confirmation.

"You're sure?" Sam raised his brows and Anna-Marie nodded.

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face, and the black nose, and the claws and... and the the torn up pants and shirt. Like from the old movies."

Jenny let out a strained 'uh' noise, along with Sam and Dean as they all glanced at each other.

"Wolf Man. Okay. Thanks for your time." Sam, Molly and Dean got up to leave as Jenny started to sit up, pausing to groan in pain.

"Oh for the love of God..." Molly mumbled as Dean helped Jenny stand up.

"Maybe we should take you back to the motel. I'll get you some water—"

"No. No I can do this case. I got this." Jenny straightened up only to stumble slightly. "I'm never drinking again."

"Said every alcoholic ever." Sam snorted and Jenny went to slap him, stopping to rub her shoulder in pain.

"God I forgot what it's like to have joint pain after a drink." Dean glanced to Molly and Sam, who nodded.

"Okay. We're taking you to the motel."


"You guys are so lucky I can't move without getting a migraine. I would be kicking your asses for benching me." Jenny complained as Dean forced her to sit on the bed. She huffed, glaring up at him before Molly walked over with a glass of water.

"Coffee would be better." Jenny grumbled as she took the glass from Molly.

"Caffeine is bad for you after a hangover. Just drink the water." Molly started walking over to the door, where Sam had been waiting as Jenny looked up at Dean again.

"Are you sure you don't need me to come with you guys? I hate being stuck in here." Dean rubbed Jenny's shoulder and kissed her cheek, nodding.

"We'll be fine. If we need you for anything, we'll call."

"At least tell me where you guys are going. And update me on stuff. I can't have you all getting caught." Dean smiled softly and nodded, kissing Jenny again before walking over to Sam and Molly.

"You guys are so cute." Molly gestured between the two and Dean whacked her hand, Sam snickering as they all left.

Jenny stared at the motel door for a long time and sighed, sipping on her water.


"First a Dracula and now a full on movie time Wolf Man? What the hell is going on in this town?" Dean wondered as the siblings walked into the morgue. Molly was already slipping a pair of gloves on as Sam opened a storage drawer and pulled out a body.

RIGHTEOUS ⁴ - DEAN WINCHESTERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora