XLIII *rewrite

Começar do início

"Oh hey Andie!" Kie grins, waving around the towel under the alarm to get the smoke out of the air.

"It's not working!" Pope huffs.

"No duh. Captain obvious.  You want to help or just sit there and look pretty?"

"Fire fire fire!" My eyes snap over to the kitchen and see a large flame rising, i grunt dashing over the hot pan and put it under the running facet. I slam the pot down and my eyes rake over the filthy kitchen  and annoyance starts to creep up inside me, I didn't have a lot of patience for this.

"Okay," I sigh turning around to face my friends. "I am so incredibly grateful for all of you, you've been the best support system and I'm thankful for the food... but I need space." I explained. "I can't do the hovering and taking shifts to watch over me like I'm gonna explode or sum shit." I mumbled with raised eyebrows. "So please get back to your lives. Okay. Kie if you stay one more day your dads gonna kill you," I glance over it her and she smiled sheepishly.

"And Pope I don't wanna know what Hayward has been threatening you with but I know if you don't get back there you and Kie are going to share a grave and JJ if you miss another shift at work your getting fired and I love you too much for that. So please, Go!" I urged my group of friends.

JJ looks at me unsure and I move towards him wrapping my arms around his torso. "I'm fine." I faked a smile.

He leans down and pecks my lips, "okay but if you need anything, I mean anything. Call me."

I nod my head and watch as Pope slides his backpack over his shoulder. "or me."

"Or me" Kie looks at me strictly. I nod my head firmly, "And we're sorry for the almost lighting your house on fire maybe if JJ would have just listened—" she glared at him.

He puts his hands up, "she's the cooker!" H exclaims pointing at me, the three shared a laugh and I smile. "It's fine."

When they finally left I stare at the door for awhile the silence keeping me in a dazed trance. I didn't realized how quiet it was going to get I kinda missed there loud obnoxious hovering. I plop down on my couch and tugged a blanket over my legs and laid my head on a pillow breathing softly drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up my mind was foggy, I checked my phone and saw that I had slept half the day away, no wonder there was no more sunshine peering in front the double windows just clouds and stars. I sat up from the couch and basked in the silence down the hallway landing on John Bs room. I slowly walked from my position beside the table to in front of his door, I haven't been able to open it since he disappeared, it would be good too, ya know get over it and just open the door and you'd think it would be easy but just holding the door nob was bringing me into tears and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it.

I shake my head and stalk back into the living room grabbing my keys and hoodie and leaving through the door.

At first I didn't know where I was going to land but it was in front of a liquor store. I stare at the sign in contemplation with my eyebrows curved, I had a nice streak of not sad drinking for awhile besides when I drink I get emotional it kind of goes with the whole being a routledge thing.

just as I was convincing myself to reverse and go back home a picture of my brother popped up in my head.  "fuck it." I murmur. I leaned over and take out the fake id from my wallet.

Thank God for JJ and his connections.

In the store I went straight to the back and grabbed the pink liquid and dragged my slides over to the register. i peaked above my hoodie and saw the cashier he was an older man with glasses perched on the tip of his nose and he was reading a magazine.

"Ehm, Sir?" I clear my throat to gain his attention. he looks above his book and makes strong eye contact with me that made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I turn my eyes away from him and he silently stands up from his chair and comes to assist me.  "You look a little to little to be Twenty one." He said eyeing me.

"And you look a little too old to be heightist." I reply with attitude and place down my id. he stares for awhile and then snatched it and suspiciously examines it with a flashlight.

"Hmm interesting." He hums making me roll my eyes. his eyes lit up when the button glows green and he saw it worked. "Uh—Um. Sorry." I ignore him putting my money on the table and taking my drink to go.

I found a nice place to sit underneath a bridge, the bridge connecting the two sides of outerbanks, for the longest I've know it's been Kooks vs Pogues

It was crazy to think polar opposite can connect to make one town but we we're all so different . Sometimes I wonder if I woke up one day on the other side of that bridge with blonde wavy hair and a tight waist with a complete different life would it be better or would I just be always searching for something else like Sarah was.

I plopped down at the edge with my feet dangling below me with the bottle in my hand. I pop the tab of and look over the edge.  "To John B and Sarah." I mumble to myself tipping the bottle and letting it spill out a few shots I watch it fall into the water and gets swept away by the heavy current.

Recently all I've been doing was worrying and overthinking It was like I didn't know myself anymore. Like I was just floating above my body with no control of my own life my brother is dead and I am in so much denial that I'm chugging pink Whitney on a random ass Tuesday.

#needafuckinglife #mylifeisamess

the worst part is no one knows where the fuck he went in Shoupe words "he vanished" but who knows.

How'd do you nonchalantly tell a teenager girl that her older brother is just gone, done, none existent and I couldn't even think about how long it was gonna take for a CPS worker to stop at my house now they really have a reason for them to take me, I had no parents and now no brother.


The sudden sound breaks me out of my thoughts. I look down at the already half empty bottle and then to the direction of the deep voice.

I could not catch a break.


A/N, okay, if you didn't get it before I changed the beginning of the chapter.

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 | JJ MAYBANKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora