"I've walked by it so many times, but I never thought to ask about it."

"There are a lot of places like this out there that nobody thinks to ask about, but every place has a story, a history. All we can do is try to learn that history and preserve it." The door opened up and I looked to see Sirona walk through with two plates of food in her hand's and two butterbeers floating beside her. "Ah, Sirona, just in time."

"I saw the two of you walk past and knew you would be needing these pretty soon." She sets the plates in front of us and waved her wand, placing the butterbeers on the table. "Your food and drink, sir and madam, provided by The Three Broomsticks. Enjoy." She walked out of the building and it was just us two left.

"Did you set all of this up?"

"I would love to take the credit for everything, but Sirona actually came up with most of it. She told me I could use the private room at the top of her keep because I said I didn't want to sit out in public for our date. I asked if she would mind tending to us here and she said that sounded great. Would give her an opportunity for some fresh air." I smiled at him and took a sip of my butterbeer.

"This looks delicious, shall we start?" He nodded and we both enjoyed our dinner. Sirona stopped by a couple times to fill our butterbeers, and then finally brought us our dessert.

"This was wonderful Sebastian, thank you."

"So does that mean the date was successful?"

"I guess you could say that." He smiled and stood up, holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"I have one more place to take you if that's alright?" He started cleaning up and placed the table in the corner of the room. He picked up the blanket and folded it neatly, hanging it over his arm. "Ready?" I nodded and we set off. We walked up to the hill that overlooked Hogsmeade and the sun was just starting to set. We sat down and watched as the sun as it started to disappear on the horizon. Sebastian reached his arm around my waist which sent a shiver through my whole body, which honestly, I didn't know if it was from him or that the temperature was starting it rapidly decrease. Sebastian must have felt it because he unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around me. "You're beautiful tonight."

"Thank you. You do too."

"Thanks. Imelda picked it out for me."

"Imelda also picked out my outfit."

"I guess she is our fashion coordinator then." He let out a small laugh and then watched the last of the sun disappear. "Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it."

"I wanted to. I wasn't doing this as a favor for you."

"So you did actually want to go on the date?"

"Yes. Otherwise I would have said no. I don't spare my time to anyone who doesn't deserve it."

"So does that mean-"

"Sebastian, if you have to ask, then maybe you shouldn't." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. The sun was gone so I don't know what he was looking at, but he just stared ahead. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, just trying to soak up the moment.

"What was that?!" I stood up quickly and turned around.

"Did you hear something?"

"It sounded like an animal cry. Coming from the dark forest."  I heard it again and this time so did Sebastian. He stood up and looked at me at took my hand again.

"Come on!" He rushed forward, dragging me behind him. We went down the trail leading into the forest and followed the cries. I let go of Sebastian's hand as we got closer.

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu