"It's aight." Sky shrugged, her face painted with a blank expression, "Y'all be safe out there." She continued before getting up and walking out of the sitting room, Kalea watched as she moved her sweats around slightly.

Just as Kalea was about to relax, she could hear Skylar walking over as she hummed 'On tha line' by Yeat. She couldn't really sing it since nobody really knew what Yeat was saying.

"Girl you look so good!" Skylar exclaimed, "We have to take pictures and post them." She equaled as she rushed over and pulled her phone out.

As the two girls hurried out of the apartment after taking pictures and posting them, Sky scrolled through instagram and saw their posts come up. Her gaze lingering slightly on Kalea.

Kingston.Kalea posted 2 minutes ago.

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Skylar.Day 🌬️

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Hours went by and Skylar was getting drunker and drunker with every passing second. Kalea only had two drinks and called it a day because she knew that she threw up easily so she didn't even want to force it today. However, this didn't make it any less enjoyable for her.

Skylar and Kalea talked for hours about their goals, their fantasies and just idle chat. The conversation flowed easily between the girls despite the four year age difference. Kalea found that Skylar was very mature for her age.

To be running a business and for it to be successful was a feat in itself. Whereas Skylar was doing it all at the age of 21. Kalea admired her greatly for that.

"It's always been us against our parents, you know?" Skylar started to ramble, she was incredibly drunk, "Especially since Sky came out as lesbian and I dropped out of high school. To them it was one failure after the other."

Kalea nodded, "I get that. I had a massive fear of disappointing my father when I was growing up. It made me grow in this shell that I'm only just now beginning to chip away."

"I probably would've been exactly like that if it hadn't been for Sky. She was fearless, even in the hard times. It may look like I'm the mature one but Sky was the strong one through it all." Skylar sighed, taking a shot of tequila, she made a face as it burned down her throat.

"She seems fearless." Kalea replied shortly and honestly.

Skylar nodded slowly and sadly, "Maybe too strong. I don't think I ever see her feel anything other than lust or being high."

Kalea let what Skylar said sink in before she rubbed her friend's back, who seemed like she was on the verge of passing out. Checking the time on her phone, Kalea called an Uber and helped Skylar walk to the outside of the restaurant.

It was 1:09 am and they were now just going home. Kalea felt like it was too late for her to travel home so she was planning to sleep on the couch like Skylar had insisted before she got white girl wasted. Once they reached their stop,  Kalea dragged Skylar out and thanked the driver before groggily carrying her up the stairs.

When she knocked on the door, Kalea noticed that Skylar was moving around a lot and just as the door opened, she threw up on Sky.

"What the fuck?!" Sky shouted, making Skylar groan as Kalea gasped.

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