"How long was I asleep?"

"Maybe two hours, give or take really. I wasn't keeping track of time."

"Has Ominus returned?"

"He came in while you were sleeping. We talked for a few minutes, then he returned to the neighboring house. He said he needed to finish the letter he was writing last night to Imelda."

"Oh, alright." I was still sad about my thestral who had passed during the night, but remembered the newborn that Sebastian and I met not to long after he was born. I lifted the necklace that was tucked in my shirt and held the pendant in my hand. I looked over it and held the gem up to my eye, watching the thestrals fly off into the sunset. I lowered it back down and let it rest around my neck.

"I'm truly sorry about your thestral. If there is anything I can help you with, I will. I know you love the thestrals dearly."

"I don't know what you could do, unless you have knowledge of a place I can raise them. They are better suited being raised in the natural world, not the room of requirement." I folded my hands on my lap and looked to Sebastian. He looked like he was thinking about my comment, but soon perked up.

"Why not Feldcroft?"

"Feldcroft? What do you mean?"

"I only have two other residents that live here. One is a potions master who sells in the next town, he owns a mooncalf. The woman who lives here is an old woman who has a pet niffler. She lives out her days baking and often brings me baked goods. Nobody is moving back here and we are pretty remote. So why not raise beasts here? We can set up pens in the fields around here and keep them safe... together."

"You'd want to help raise the beasts?"

"Well, yes. I mostly want to write, so couldn't I do that and help you in raising the beasts and building a sanctuary here?"

"Are you certain the other two residents would want that?"

"Let the old woman pet the nifflers any time she wants and make sure the mooncalf's are well taken care of for the potion master and they will not mind at all. They would probably love to have a little life back in this town."

"It is a tempting proposition, I can't lie."

"So do it."

"And what live in this house with you?"

"If you wanted. I would gladly have you here. Otherwise, you could have the neighboring house that Ominus is at right now. We could be neighbors."

"I'll have to think about it Sebastian. Thank you. You are giving me an opportunity that I don't think I could deny." He gabbed my hands that were still folded and squeezed them. He then stood up and walked to the kitchen. He started to shuffle some pans around and began to cook.

"Would you like some breakfast?"

"That would be lovely thank you."

I picked up the book Sebastian was reading off the floor and grazed my fingers over the cover. I looked at the spine to read the title, Spiritual Connections in the Living. It was old and was barely put together. It looked like just touching it, it would disintegrate in my hands. I opened the cover and turned to the first page. The first few pages were an introduction that I skimmed through. It talked about connections in the living to the spirit realm. My first thought was divination class. I got to the first official chapter of the book and it talked about prophecy orbs. I flipped to the next which was the topic of poltergeists. Flipping to the third chapter I stopped at the title which is where Sebastian's bookmark was. It read about the spiritual connections between people. Soulmates was another word the book used. Before I could finish the page, Sebastian walked over to me and sat down. I put the book back down on the floor and grabbed the plate he was handing to me.

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang