"Please, my love. I will do anything and everything you command. Just as I always have but this...this is a task I am not sure I can complete." He continued his tearful pleas. His face now buried in the fabric that sat against her hips. His shoulders began to shaking and she could hear him attempting to choke back his sobs.

Eir gently slid her hand to his chin and lifted his head so he was looking at her.

"Loki..." She began in a soft voice that she knew would put him at ease. She studied his tearful silver eyes, eyes she hoped the baby would have as well. She hoped their little gem would be so much like him, in the best ways possible.

"You are the strongest being I have ever seen. You are kind and you are loving. You have face hardships and unfortunately you will face many more. My heart beats for you, my lungs fill for you. But one day they will stop, I know that is a lot to take in. But know that with every day the sun shines it is me. It is me protecting you, it is me loving you. It is me being infinitely proud of you. The sun will shine for you Loki, and when the night comes, say hello to the moon and know that I am looking back." Eir spoke with a soft confidence. Her words so definite that even if Loki wanted to argue, he'd have nothing to say. So instead he settled for repeating his pleas.

"Eir...I will move mountains. I will swim the deepest ocean. Travel to the hottest planets, I will do whatever you ask of me. But not this. I cannot leave knowing you're ill, not when there's something I could do-"

"There is nothing my love. Nothing to be done. So get up." She paused slowly pulling Loki to his feet. The couple press their foreheads together as they stand in each other's embrace.

"Good, now I want you to get your things and go away with Thor. He needs you with him." She concluded, her words pulling a heavy sigh from Loki.

"Are you certain of this? That you will be okay in my absence?" Loki nervously asked as once more, studying his wife, committing her features to memory.

Well she was as much his wife as she could be without Odin's blessing. Loki had insisted the two run across the realms together but Eir refused, she knew the God couldn't leave his brother. No matter how much the two may bicker and pretend to hate each other, at the end of the day...Loki needed Thor more than he needed anyone or anything else.

"Loki, my love, my emerald gem, I have never been more sure. As days pass I grow sicker, the baby will be here soon and I know you can do this. You will be a marvelous father and when they are old enough, take them to Midgard. Cassandra will know what to do." Eir explained softly as she gazed lovingly at her swollen stomach.

"How am I meant to do this without you, Eir? I am not loving, not nurturing, I am mischief. I am at best, completely unfit for the role. I cannot-"

"You are their father Loki. You are loving and you are nurturing. I know this to be so because I have been loved abundantly by you. You care for me, even now you are caring for me. This child, our gem, they will know love because you will show them. I have faith in you. You are better then you give yourself credit for." Eir explained as she tightly gripped the God's hand in one of her own as the other was placed gently on his cheek. She wanted Loki to believe her, she needed him to believe her, no matter what Odin says, Loki was good, loving, compassionate, he was Loki. An in Eir's mind Loki was more than enough. He'd make a great king one day and an even better father than the on he'd grown up with.

"Ok...I will go." Loki conceded


Two months had passed as Eir grew sicker and sicker. Every heeler in the realms who could help, had been called by Frigga herself and they all said the same thing. The child was the only thing keeping her alive and once she was born, Eir would perish.

Everyone in the palace was at a loss, even Odin himself didn't have an answer. In fact the only one who wasn't worried was Eir. She'd seen her death eons ago and she had long accepted its arrival.

"How are we today, dear?" Frigga asked entering Eir's room with a practiced smile. The younger of the two looked up from the journal in her lap with a calm sigh.

"I am making the finishing touches to my stories. Completing my work before it is my time." Eir expressed as she gestured to the stacks and stacks of books that from the library for her to work on.

She'd unfortunately been put on bed rest late last week as the baby would arrive any day now.

"I wish there was more I could do for you." Frigga sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed. Eir looked at her for a moment but sighed shaking her head.

"There is something?" Frigga asked

"It's silly." Eir muttered shaking her head once more as if she was dismissing the thought from her brain.

"I'm sure it's not."

"I just wanted to ask if you'd...look after Loki? Make sure he doesn't lose himself? It's silly to ask, you are his mother after all but-"

"You worry. I understand...I will look after them both. You have my word." Frigga whispers as she grabbed Eid's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I will leave you to rest now." The older woman said before getting up and leaving the room.

The baby in Eir's stomach began to stir causing Eir to laugh as she gently rubbed her stomach.

"Still now little one. Let me sing us to sleep." Eir whispered soothingly before she began to hum the song that she and Loki loved to sing to her bump.

"Just remember, just remember
Someone is on your side (our side)
Our side
Someone else is not
While we're seeing our side (our side)
Our side
Maybe we forgot, they are not alone
No one is alone
Someone is on your side
No one is alone"
No one is Alone /Into the Woods


March 20, 2000

"Has Loki returned yet?" Eir asked as she lay in bed. Frigga sat her book to the side and shook her head.

"Thor insisted they needed to extend their journey and go to Vanaheim, they should return by end of tomorrow." Frigga explained but she froze momentarily when she saw the look on Eir's face. With a sigh Frigga sat down and grabbed the girls hands.

"You don't have that long...do you?"

"I'm afraid not. You'll tell him I love him? Tell him he'll always be my prince?" Eir whispered sadly and Frigga nodded immediately agreeing before pulling the girl in for a hug.

"An- well I hate to ask this of you but...will you stay with me? Until, until it happens?" Eir questioned hesitantly. It wasn't customary, she and Loki weren't married and technically she was just a book keeper to the throne. She shouldn't be asking the queen of anything but yet she was. Because without Loki, Eir was alone. Her mother and father had both been warriors who'd died in battle and she'd only lived in the palace because Odin needed her abilities. Outside of this, the royal family owe her nothing.

"I would be honored to stay with you dear." Frigga said cutting off the panic happening in Eir's mind. Just then the two women both noticed that the bed was wet, the little gem was about to make an entrance into the world.

"Now I think I better send for the midwives because I think it's time." Frigga explained sadly, knowing what was to happen and that she'd be powerless to stop it.

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