[Chapter 42: Morning Mischief]

Start from the beginning

"Oh, um, yeah...I've been up since nine-thirty, slash, ten..." You sheepishly admitted, turning your attention away from Chucky and talking to Norman instead. "How'd you sleep anyway...? You feeling okay this morning...?"

"I-I slept great last night...! A...And all thanks to those Hypnocil Pills y...you lent me t-too." The dark-haired male mentioned with immense gratitude; swinging his legs over to the opposite side of the bed and standing up moments after.

"Hey, no problem...I guess that it both worked out for us in the end, anyway." Laughing lightly, you wrapped your arms around Norman and gave him your usual morning hug, happy that he wasn't massively tired. "You - finally - got some good sleep, and I - finally - managed to pacify Freddy. Well...to some degree."

"A...Are y-you seriously going t...to keep t-that creepy thing...?" Norman coolly inquired; flashing a cautious glance towards the "Good Guy Doll" and growing oddly uneasy.

"Norman relax. It's just a silly, old doll. It calls itself Chucky, and it only says the three phrases that it's supposed to. That is all." You comforted your boyfriend casually, doing your best to keep him calm and console him all at once.

"I...I don't know...I-It seems unusually...different than the rest of its kind..." He unsteadily declared, insulting the toy and eyeing the doll with ultimate dislike.

"Here, he can learn your name and everything. You just have to give him a chance and inform him. C'mon, Norman." You argued with a pleading tone of voice, waiting for him to turn around while you got dressed into your usual clothes for the day.

"I...s-suppose so..." Norman agreed, picking the doll up and spinning around whilst you got changed out of your pyjamas. "But K-Krueger and Pennywise e-even sensed Soul Power i-in it. D-Don't you...Don't y-you think that's strange...?"

"Well, maybe Freddy and Penny were just messing." You commented nonchalantly, shaking your head as you completed getting ready. "Or perhaps they just didn't know what they were talking about."

"I...I don't know, (Y/n)...T-This doll seems—"

"Ah, angelo mio, good morning." Hannibal called from your doorway politely, shooting you an incredibly sweet smile and gentle gaze. "My apologies. I tried knocking after I called your name the very first time, but it appeared that you didn't seem to notice. I'm extremely sorry, I probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and assumed that—"

"Assumed...? How come you assumed...? I was just about to head downstairs, regardless." You curiously remarked, dropping your hairbrush down on top of your drawers before flashing him a shy smile in return. "But a good morning to you too. I pray you slept well last night...?"

"I certainly received the required amount." The intelligent male respectfully responded, showing you another soft smile before replying to your first question and telling you the real truth. "And to answer genuinely, I'd just assumed that Krueger had given you even more nightmare terrors, to be perfectly honest."

"Oh, Hannibal, Freddy may be irritating, but he swore not to cause my exhaustion to become overly excessive or extreme. So, really. I'll be fine." You replied to him with mischievous amusement; placing your hands atop his shoulders after pressing your lips delicately against his own. "Just fine~"

"Well, as long as you're sure, Mia Cara." Hannibal murmured in deep amusement of his own, holding you by your waist and hugging you close at the same time. "I wouldn't want some childish dream demon putting you in danger all because of his pathetic lack of compassion and consideration towards others."

"And I wouldn't want to start a fight between all of you merely because of how easy it is for you to provoke others." You dryly retaliated, rolling your eyes and becoming sarcastic after you broke free from his grasp; brushing past him and heading into the hallway.

"Touché~" The psychiatrist chuckled devilishly, Norman throwing him a smug smirk and following you out of the room almost immediately.

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