"See, now you are looking on the bright side!"

"Come on guys. Unlike professor Garlick, Professor Sharp will have our heads if we are late!"

"Imelda looked like she was almost running in front of us."

"Sorry about her, she's been weirdly anxious the past few days. She says she's not, but as you can tell right now... she is."

"Ominus, how do you keep up with her when she's like this?"

"You'd have to ask Merlin." The three of us hurried after her and took our seats in the potions classroom."

"Thank you everyone for showing up on time today." Professor Sharp looked right at Sebastian, who then squirmed in his seat for a moment. "I think by now everyone is done with taking written exams. Today for your midterm, you will be brewing five potions. Get four of the five correct and you pass. You will see on your individual stations five vials. Each vial will need to be filled with the potions you have made, whether they are correct or not. One more thing, you only have one chance to make each potion. Before you start each one, you may take one look in your textbooks at the recipe and directions, then it needs to be closed and put to the side of your station. The five potions will be Wiggenweld, Enduras, Maxima, Truth Serum, and for the fifth one, you can choose to make Felix Felicis or Amortentia. You may begin."

We all started and I was able to breeze by the first four potions. By breeze, I mean nothing blew up in my face. Unfortunately I heard a couple explosions from Garreth Weasley's station, but he seemed to have it somewhat under control. I focused back in on my station to figure out what I wanted to do for the fifth potion. I looked up and saw that Imelda, Sebastian and Ominus all had the ingredients for Amortentia in front of them. That did sound like the easier route, but I remember every change to the recipe for liquid luck that Sebastian and I made in class. That's the route I want to go, so I quickly got to work. Liquid Luck was more time consuming then the other, choice, but I'm sticking with my decision.

I was the last one to finish in the class. I presented my potions to Professor Sharp and he inspected each one carefully as he did with everyone else. "They are perfect. You've passed. Class is dismissed, enjoy your holiday everyone." I smiled and looked at Sebastian who was smiling back at me. He came over and gave me a hug and so did Imelda.

"Liquid Luck, ballsy move (Y/n)"

"Thank you Sebastian. I just need to clean up my station. I'll catch up with you guys in the common room, okay?"

"Don't take to long, we have celebrating to do!" They exited the room and I felt all alone in the classroom. I put away my ingredients and wiped my station down. I gathered my belongings and turned around where I became face to face  with a full head of red hair.

"Oh, Garreth. You startled me."

"Sorry about that."

"How did you do with the potions?"

"Funny enough, the only one I got wrong was Wiggenweld." I laughed a little but put my hand over my mouth.

"How did you fail that one, it's two ingredients?"

"I have no idea honestly, but um... That's not what I came over here to talk about..."

I rushed passed the common room and busted into my dorm room slamming the door behind me. "Whoa, what's the matter?"

"Garreth Weasley just asked me on a date!"

"What the hell?! What did you say?"

"I said no of course! He said that I've been sending signals to him, always looking at him during potions class. It's not my fault every other thing he brews blows up in his face cause he can't follow a simple recipe that's right in front of him!"

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now