The springtime goes by very quickly, and any idleness will directly affect the autumn harvest, and the harvest of the year will be busy from then on.

    The newlyweds were about to devote themselves to the busy spring farming before they got tired of it, but they didn't complain. The two got up early in the morning with a tacit understanding. One was in charge of cooking, and the other fed the animals.

    Qin Xiaoman carried the plow for plowing the ground on his shoulders, and gave Du Heng the easy job of raising the cows.

    With cattle, he has long been looking forward to plowing the land.

    "My family has 30 mu of land and 20 mu of land. I only planted 10 mu of fertile land last year, and the remaining 40 mu of land was left uncultivated. I have already plowed the 10 mu of land. Dig out the thin land."

    Qin Xiaoman said: "How much do you think we should turn over?"

    Du Heng pulled the strong scalper: "If it is based on manpower, one or two acres of land can only be dug out if you don't dodge in a day, but there are You can turn over two to three acres of land when you have cattle, and you can do the work as soon as possible, and the field can be turned over when the seeds are planted."

    Having a cow this year, Qin Xiaoman just wanted to plow all the land at home, otherwise the cow would not be ruined.

    But although there are cattle, plowing the land is also tiring work. He himself does not find it hard to work day and night, but he is afraid that Du Heng will not be able to bear it.

    "We can plow as much as we can. In short, we can plow more land than last year."

    The two happily took the cattle to the field first, and planned to turn over all the fields first, and then all of them could grow rice. Time When he had time, he dug up the land. Qin Xiaoman had no idea what else to plant besides the previous year's crops.

    Du Heng put the plow on the ox. He has only seen people drive the ox to plow the field, but he has never done it himself. The so-called theory has no practice.

    Looking at the strong cow, he rolled up his trousers and was about to move, but he heard a bang, and the cold water from the field splashed on his face.

    "What are you doing?"

    Qin Xiaoman stepped on the field, looked at Du Heng who was hunched over and rolled up his trousers, he let go of the plow, and took a few steps to tear off Du Heng's rolled up trousers, and gave his fair and well-proportioned calf Cover up.

    "I don't roll up my trousers and go to the field to get wet."

    "It's spring and the snow has just melted. The water in the field is deep, and the water freezes your feet, and the mud also freezes your feet. How can you bear it with your delicate skin and tender flesh?"

    Du Heng bent over He was going to pull his trousers again: "Where are you so delicate?"

    Qin Xiaoman stopped him from going down: "Your foot was broken before, although the bone has grown back, but it is not as good as the original one, and it will hurt when soaked in snow water. "

    The small field beside the field belongs to our family too. You dig the field, not the field."

    Du Heng stood on the edge of the field, looked at his brother who was blocking him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stretched out his hand to pinch his face: " It's up to you."

    Qin Xiaoman got up from the field, and he handed the small sickle to Du Heng: "This land is only half an acre, and it has not been cultivated for two years. Weeds grow everywhere. Cut the weeds and turn them over."

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