2 | ❝Infamous Together❞ - Taehyun

Start from the beginning

"I thought you stopped caring about me." Taehyun said blankly.

"Oh don't worry, I did." You smiled icily, "Your existence only brings me annoyance and extra work."

That was a lie. You didn't mind all that much. Hell, just being still associated with him in some way gave you a certain pride. You didn't know exactly how much you would do for Taehyun, but the limit was a hell of a lot higher than what you were doing right now.

"Spar?" You asked, facing him, the confidence exuding off of you. It left Taehyun breathless, though he wouldn't admit it.

"You'll regret it." He quipped, cracking his knuckles and neck, before taking his stance.

There was a natural chemistry you two had, whether it was arguing or sparring... or both. You would fly a punch and insult at Taehyun, and he'd send one right back.

You both were a bit more annoyed than usual, and it showed in your sparring. Taehyun was making more tactical punches, and knocking you off your feet like his usual fighting style. He always fought with agility and swiftness rather than power.

You, on the other hand, were more rash as a result of your rage. You channelled your bad mood through your punches, watching as they very satisfyingly hit Taehyun. Though you wish it was that darned Mission's Officer, or better yet, those girls.

You two were breathing heavily, though you both felt better after sparring. That was something you shared with him. Working out helped relieve stress better than most things.

Even though you should have finished 10 minutes ago, Taehyun was still going strong at you, which meant that you matched it, throwing punches with even more vigour than before.

You observed him wavering with one of his attacks and took the opportunity to trip him. He crashed to the floor, and you landed on top of him, faces just inches apart.

"Well, hello there." You teased, sending him a smirk, while he was still breathing heavily with wide eyes due to the fact that you were suddenly so close. He was lucky he could pass off his blush as colour from working out and sweating, and not the presence of you.

He admitted defeat, exhaling a sharp breath, relaxing his body, and pushing you off of him. To be fair, you had pinned him for 3 seconds, so by standard sparring rules, you had won.

You left the room, leaving Taehyun to repeat the moment of having you so close over and over again in his head.

It had been almost 2 years, and he still felt bitter. He was surprised he still felt anything, given how much life his father had sucked out of him even as young as 3 years old.

"It's not fair that she still looks this pretty... I would've won had she not-" he muttered, sighing again and falling back to the floor. His head became a mess whenever he even saw you in the hallway. He just couldn't focus with you around.


"Let's agree to never talk after this mission." You said coldly, sitting down next to Taehyun in the train compartment.

"Fine. Try not to even show your face as well. It's distracting." He scowled, looking out the window.

You paused, deciding how to take that throwaway comment. You resolved to not think too much into it. Staying away from Taehyun was for the best anyway.

The train ride was almost completely silent. You didn't talk. In fact, you barely looked at each other aside from a few spare glances.

The silence was more uncomfortable than awkward. You both felt like you ought to say something, but at the same time, neither of you were eager.

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