26' Saved By Him

21 0 0

Word count: 1.5k


After stepping out of my room for the fifth time tonight, I come to a conclusion that everyone has gone off to sleep as the house is still and silent.

All the lights have been switched off too.

Every encounter I had earlier, taught me that leaving from the front door wasn't the smartest option and I'd have a hard time finding the back door. Much less opening it.

So I turn to the quickest yet most dangerous option.

The window.

Since I'm on the second floor I might break a leg or two but it'd be worth it, right?

Maybe not.

But I can still try.

As soon as I hold the curtain in my hand to open it, I suddenly get an idea.

So I get the chair next to my bed and I stand on it to remove both curtains from their rail tracks.

Once I'm done, I tie them together and also tie one end to the leg of my bed. Tightly fastening it for my safety.

I throw the other end outside the window and I pray before also lightly climbing on top of the window sill, and slowly down the rope.

Successfully making it down alive, I abandon in the front gate to avoid the buff guy I met earlier.

So the only options left are the creepy looking woods or the high walls.

My heart drops as I run towards the woods because I would've chosen the walls if I had a rope.

A hushed rustle of the leaves catches my attention once I reach and I sharply turn in that direction.

What if one of them followed me here?

I dismiss my negativity and continue with my journey instead.

As I get further into the woods I notice light.

Am I finally getting out of here?

"ANYBODY THERE!" I scream at the top of my lungs for any help that might be around.

Nobody replies and I sigh walking a bit further.

"I'm here." Someone calls from behind and I turn.

Their flashlight disrupts my vision causing me to not identify my savior.

"I need your help." I place a hand infront of my face to block the light.

"We'll help you." Someone else says right behind me.

I can feel the person's breath in my ear so I quickly turn around and step away from them.

"Haha. Hi." I awkwardly greet still bothered by the close contact.

The first person raises their flashlight which allows me to make out their features.

Two people. Boys. Men.

Unfamiliar faces.

I breath a sigh of relief because I actually found some help. At last.

"I've been kidnapped and I just escaped. I need your help." I narrate my tragedy.

The second guy gasps dramatically and takes out his phone.

"Do you have anyone you can call?" He kindly offers to which I thank my stars.

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