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Narrator's Pov

She was walking in a dark, long and empty alley. Texting none other than her older sister who was in another country.




And lastly...


The girl was completely oblivious due to the headphones she had on listening to her favorite music.

Until someone bumped into her. She did not fall. Just staggered a bit.

They didn't even look back or apologize, as they seemed like they were in a hurry.

The girl removed her headphones and looked around herself, a bit confused and agitated.

How rude, the girl thought to herself.

She walked further and looked around a corner that led to the exit of the alley.

There she saw a man (well it seemed like one) holding something that looked like a gun.

He was pointing it to something in a steady, firm posture.

A gunshot was heard.

Not from his gun though. The girl was certain.

She did not flinch, being used to gunshots in her former country. Though she curiously wondered what was going on.

Who was he?

What did he want?

Why was he holding a gun?

For what?


Just then the lampposts around the area switched on.

She took off her headphones and took a few steps closer to get a better view of the man.

She saw the man's face.


A little bit...

He looked familiar...

He tucked his gun behind him and walked away.

Did I just see...

Ring! Ring! Her thoughts were ended by her phone. She took the call and continued with her journey.



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