2' Our Nemesis?

41 1 0

Word count: 1129


Anonymous Pov:

It was a big day for me.

I had finally released my solo mixtape and today I was going to do my solo debut stage.

I woke up, did my morning routine and texted my manager that my health was perfectly alright, perfect enough for me to actually have my solo debut.

I had breakfast, made by Chenle, and sat down with Jisung to watch whatever he was watching.

That was until Jaemin sprung out of his room and announced that he was going to buy coffee, because he's too lazy to make some.

He also stated that he'd be finishing the report of the last case we dealt with.

Everyone nodded, except for me who asked him to get me an iced americano, to cure my nervousness.

Obviously, I was used to stages but a solo one sounded a bit extreme.

He came back two hours later with my coffee and sat it down.

It said, For Jaemin.

Did he tell them his name?

"Jaemin, did you actually tell them your real name?" I voiced my thoughts.

"No... Why?" He replies, completely oblivious.


"Well the coffee has, For Jaemin, written on it."

"Hold on, let me see." Caught his attention then.

He took the coffee and carefully examined it.

"Woah, that girl. Did she know me or was it a wild guess?"

He had to be kidding!

"Dude, you should be more careful, and why did you suddenly go to a new Cafe? What happened to Baroocha's?" I scolded him.

Jaemin was one of the most cautious members.

Don't mess up.

Don't get caught.

And if you are caught, deny everything.

He knew these rules better than anyone. And he certainly did follow them.

Jaemin was so careful that he didn't even date much, well not seriously atleast. The occasional fling was his thing.

That was easy for him anyways. He was a lady's man.

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at the coffee once again.

"I don't know," he finally decided to say, "Just forget it, I'm sure it's not something we need to worry about."

And with that, he went back to his room.

MY SPECIAL AGENTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang