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Third-Person POV

Two weeks later...

Amira could tell that something was off with Rowan. He had been acting differently lately—not necessarily in a bad way but not in a good way either. And Amira couldn't quite pinpoint what was wrong or what she had done to warrant his moody behavior. Nonetheless, tonight was the night of the annual BDSM party, and Rowan had agreed to take her.

"Am I not overdressed?" Amira asked, gawking at her reflection in the mirror. She was amazed by how beautiful she looked. She had never in her life worn something as perfect as this dress, and it genuinely seemed too much for one night.

"No, I'm underdressed," Rowan responded, taking her in. She looked stunning from head to toe, and she even straightened her hair, which he thought was unnecessary, but she looked beautiful regardless.

"Okay," she nodded back. Amira didn't know if she should be excited about tonight or nervous. Maybe both. Rowan, on the other hand, didn't care to attend at all. He wanted to stay home, but he knew Amira needed the exposure.

Thus, for tonight, they would go as spectators—something Rowan knew would cause lots of heads to turn. But he didn't care. He wanted to show Amira off on his own terms.

"You look handsome," Amira spoke as she turned away from the mirror. Although his outfit was very simple, he still looked amazing in his white dress shirt and black dress pants. This was Amira's first time seeing Rowan all dressed up, and she couldn't help but compliment him. He even had his shirt unbuttoned just enough to reveal his chest. And to her, he was perfect. He looked utterly delicious without even trying.

Amira smiled as she ran her fingers over his shoulders and down his arms, chuckling as she tried to tug him from the bed.

"Will you at least try to enjoy your night?" She asked him. It was apparent that he didn't want to go, and Amira was almost certain he would change his mind.

Luckily, he only nodded in response to her question. He then stood up and told Amira to go get her shoes. She was leaving her purse and her phone behind, so all she needed was herself.

She met Rowan downstairs once she was done, and her eyes lit up when he instructed her to pick a car. She wasted no time choosing one of the exotic ones. She forgot the name of it, and she was terrible at recognizing logos, but the car was nice as hell.

They left soon after, and Rowan made the long drive to the event. The further they drove, the more anxious Amira got. She wasn't sure where they were going, and it wasn't until they arrived at a literal mansion that she realized Rowan had significantly downplayed the scale of the event.

"What in the world." She stared out the window, completely in awe. Now she understood why she was dressed all fancy.

Rowan followed the line of cars to the front of the mansion, stopping to let a staff member open Amira's door. The guy held his hand out to assist her, and Amira quickly took her seatbelt off before allowing him to gently pull her from the car. Rowan got out as well, leaving his keys in the ignition. Amira noticed at least a dozen other workers helping various guests, and she smiled as Rowan came around to take her hand.

"This is too nice." She tried to contain her excitement.

"This is what old money looks like—that generational wealth," he said to her. Amira nodded as she took everything in. Rowan thought her excitement was cute. It was refreshing. And although he wasn't thrilled to be there, Amira's sincerity had him yearning to see more of her reactions.

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