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As soon as we entered Storm's playroom, which was right across the hall, she happily introduced me to her submissive, Argo. He didn't speak unless he was spoken to, but Storm mentioned that he was excellent with his hands. I knew what she was implying, but she quickly corrected herself by simply asking if I wanted a massage. I declined, of course, and then got comfortable on the bed, laying face-to-face with Storm as we started up a healthy conversation.

"Is VIP exclusively for Doms and submissives?" I asked, popping a few grapes into my mouth. Storm overheard my stomach growling earlier, so she made Argo go fetch me some grapes. He disappeared around the corner and then reappeared with a bowl of red seedless ones. I thanked him, but he only looked at me before retreating back to his position.

"No, of course not. I only profit off of what they can do," she responded, watching as I stuffed more grapes into my mouth.

"I pay Doms to work for me, and in return, their performances help to grow my business. Submissives are just an added bonus, like a two-in-one deal, but a lot of my revenue comes from partygoers that know little to nothing about BDSM," she stated.

"And how does that work—how do you advertise your club?"

"Well, most clubs function similarly, but mine is set up to where anyone can party on the bottom floor. The second floor, however, is a privilege for members only. A membership holds access to pleasure rooms, D/s performances, Doms, and much more. That type of restriction builds curiosity, and people will literally break their pockets to get a glimpse of what goes on up here."

"And you still make money even if people only want to drink and order food. But your main goal is to entice them up to the second floor because then you profit even more," I concluded.

"Yes, precisely. It's like a little game, and once you have them in the palm of your hands, they gladly stay. You'd be surprised by how much money people are willing to pay to live out their darkest fantasies." 

"That's brilliant," I acknowledged. And it truly was. She literally welcomes the public into her establishment and then profits off of their curiosity. Rowan, on the other hand, doesn't too much care for outsiders, so he deliberately secludes himself from the outside world. And unless you happen to be an outlier like me, you can't get into his club without a membership.

"What happens if people want to cancel?" I questioned, suddenly full.

Storm then quickly explained the signup process, showing me the NDA and everything. She stated that when people nullify their memberships, they are literally banning themselves for life—their privileges are instantly revoked and their monthly fees are dropped. They can still enjoy the amenities on the first floor, but they can never re-sign up for VIP access ever again.

And I nodded as I took a second to digest her words. I only had one question left, and it nearly slipped my mind.

"Do you regret giving up your old club?" I eventually asked, offering her a grape. She took it, opening her mouth as I eased it past her lips. She then waited until she was done chewing to respond.

"No. It doesn't even feel like mine anymore. Rowan knew exactly what to do with it, and how to customize it to his liking. He turned that once dull space into his empire, building up a loyal audience and employing some of the best D/s performers in the industry. I do miss the intimate feel of the old one, but now I have something that feels more like me," she shrugged, calling Argo onto the bed.

"Are you sure you don't want a massage?" She teased. My eyes then floated to Argo, and his nakedness had me rolling off the bed. Nope, I would rather just watch them fool around.

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