1.7. Yoongi's pov

Start from the beginning

And even when I was at lunch with Hoseok, I tried to hear his opinion about it all. Maybe to plant a seed of doubt in him, but it seems that my dear's brain was somewhere else, far away from everything.

Which was even better.

I tried to add those thoughts that flowed through my body in the same way. I tried to direct them in the best way I knew how. I kissed him furiously, wildly. I was ready to take him in the limo, but as I have predicted, Sebastian made his plan a long time ago.

When I saw his name on the screen, I felt my mind left my body.

I got out ot the car and left behind a confused Hoseok. But he'll be fine, I'm sure. I did all this for him, for our future.

I started the car and drove it towards the church.

Before I dared to step inside and face him, I took a deep breath. I swallowed a lump that stayed in my throat for a long time and prevented me from taking air into my lungs.

I thought of them, of my dearest people, and then gathered enough courage to move on.

Church bells were the only sound on this seemingly peaceful day. They disturbed the calm before the storm, they disturbed my peace and brought me restlessness.

Sebastian was waiting for me at the shrine, with his back to the door, as if he could smell my steps. He was smiling slightly when I saw his face.

I knew this was pure revenge.

- Well, Yoongi... welcome. - he said while his gaze was still inquiring into the candles burning in front of us.

I was silent.

- You haven't been here for a long time. It must have been ten or more years. None of you were. - he continued while his face turned golden yellow, due to the presence of so many candles.

- There was no need for me to come here. - I answered him.

- Whatever you say.

- Why did you call me, Sebastian? What the purpose of this charade? And a party? Since when do you throw parties? - I asked as I slowly lost my patience. I had an impatient desire to discover as much as possible, because nothing made sense.

- I have the right to invite my sons to dinner, don't I? - he asked with a slight frown on his face. He was a good actor.

- You lost that right long ago. You never looked at us as sons, Sebastian. We were always just pawns in this whole power game for you. You enjoyed placing us all over the city so that as all doors would be open for you... You used us. - I looked him straight in the eyes. I still wanted to tell him so much.

But I stopped.

- Don't say that it didn't suit you? I made you rich. I gave you a life you could only dream of! You ungrateful boys!

I was still silent.

I was not ungrateful. Nor were any of us. We are aware that we could have done much worse.

But we could have done much better.

Now that we had all the wealth, we were aware of the love that was denied to us and that we missed immeasurably. That's why we managed to exchange that love for each other.

We loved each other as he should have loved us. And that love would mean more to us than all that we have today.

But I didn't want to say anything to Sebastian, because there was no point. That man was alienated and unable to give love to anyone. Except to his God.

- And what do you want from me now? Why am I here?

- You are here to take me to the mansion.

I laughed at this nonsense that this man said.

- I'm pretty sure you're capable of getting to the mansion on your own. - I said and turned on my heels heading for the church door.

- And I need you to tell them what to expect. - he continued and I froze. My heart started to pump faster and I started to sweat.

- What? - I turned and looked at his face once more.

- You will be in charge of informing those fuckers that from the moment you and I set foot in the mansion, they will have only 45 minutes before the whole squad of police comes to arrest them.

First I was shocked. And then I felt anger devouring me. This asshole threatened my people, how dare he?

I didn't even pay attention to his words because I was distracted by his face.

Pure enjoyment. On his face you could see the smile of malice and hatred, the smile of one who is planning something wicked.

- I will present the conditions and the plan to them, and you will make sure  they accept it because otherwise we will have a problem. - he continued and I was still shaking.

When I paid more attention to the words coming out of that disgusting mouth, I realized a few things. And for some reason, tears began to gather in my eyes.

That emotions remained unchanged when I stepped into the mansion. Sebastian entered before me and immediately headed to the parlor. I followed him with slower steps, wishing I had some more time so I could figure out a right way out.

But no, time was running out, and I was on the verge of madness.

I saw their frantic faces. I knew that nothing concrete was clear to them. Everyone was looking at Sebastian's crazy smile, just like I was looking a little earlier.

I was quiet. I knew the way out. But I was afraid to admit it to myself. I was afraid that this idea of mine would bring big changes for all of us.

Sebastian knew everything.

And obviously he wasn't ready to forgive us and give us a second chance. Which was even better, because if he did, then we would have become a perfect target for manipulation and blackmail.

This was how everything had to be resolved, then and there.

If sebastian asked for war, he will get war.

Then I imperceptibly moved my hand to the leather belt and felt the gun.

I gripped him furiously, ready to pull him out even before this jerk could began to speak.


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