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Jeff looks down at his hands, the fresh blood coating them glimmers in the light of the sun that's just starting to rise. Despite his love for blood, he frowns, groaning in frustration before continuing to hold a hand to the wound on his side. He feels faint, which isn't a surprise, as he's lost a lot of blood at this point. He stumbles through a large garden, trying to assess the property through his less than ideal current state. The place seems quiet and there's a shed at the end of the garden with its windows visibly open. Much more clumsily and less cautiously than he usually would, he just about manages to climb into the open window of the large shed. He falls painfully onto the carpeted floor inside, letting out an extremely pained sound. He figures he can tie his jacket around himself in an effort to stop the bleeding and hopefully lay low in this shed until he can somehow get out of this area. That is, if he doesn't die of blood loss.

Just as he goes to try and assess how badly he's hurt, he hears a sound. "Hello?" a voice calls, making Jeff's blood run cold. He tries not to panic and, gripping his knife, attempts to get to his feet. He's unsuccessful and falls painfully to the ground again, just as the door to the shed opens. "Is anyone th- holy shit," a teenage boy enters, shocked to see a blood soaked Jeff crumpled up on the ground. "Shit, shit, shit- okay, uh- fuck-" the startled and panicking boy approaches Jeff, who aggressively lunges at him with a knife. The boy recoils and takes a few steps back. "Woah, fuck, uh, calm down dude. I can help you-" He reaches for Jeff again, who again tries to attack him with the last remaining strength he has. His efforts are in vain however, as the last thing Jeff hears before passing out is his knife falling to the ground.

Pain is the first thing Jeff registers upon waking. He squints in the bright sunlight coming from the window in front of where he lays. He sits up in a panic, remembering blacking out and having no idea where he is. "Uh, you shouldn't really move." a voice speaks from behind him, the boy from before walking into view. Jeff's eyes dart around the room. He's in the same shed he passed out in, laying on the sofa. His shirt and hoodie are neatly folded on the arm of the sofa, he looks down to see he's wrapped in bandages, his wound treated and dressed.

"What the fuck is this? Who the fu-" Jeff stops talking as his eyes fall on his knife, laying on the windowsill. He quickly makes a move towards it. "Hey, no, you really shouldn't-" Jeff doesn't even make it to his feet, crumpling to the ground in searing pain. A concerned look on his face, the stranger looks over to the knife that he'd tried to get to, walking over and picking it up. "Here," the boy holds the knife out towards Jeff, offering it to him. Jeff holds his side in pain, not moving. He looks at his knife, then at the boy, then back to his knife. Slowly, he reaches out and takes the weapon.

"You really really really shouldn't move, okay? You don't want to lose any more blood." the boy says as Jeff just grips his knife and stares at him. "My name is Adrian by the way... what about you?" Jeff doesn't answer. "Look, if I was going to call the cops, I would have already. Wouldn't I?" Adrian pauses waiting for a response that doesn't come before continuing, "but I haven't, and I'm not going to. It's chill, dude. I swear." he walks past Jeff, towards the door. Jeff silently and intensely watches him, like a cornered animal that will attack if you make the slightest wrong move. "It's just me here, no one else. I ain't gonna tell anyone you're here. Please just let yourself heal, you aren't getting out of town in your condition. I'll leave you be," he opens the door to leave, turning back to look at Jeff, who hasn't stopped silently watching him. "Rest." he says before closing the door and walking away, leaving Jeff alone.

Jeff doesn't know who the fuck this kid thinks he is, but doesn't really care to think about anything other than getting away from here as fast as possible. He lays on that sofa, holding his side in pain as he waits for nightfall.

"That guy is fucking lucky I passed out before I could-" he mutters to himself, pocketing his knife and slowly attempting to stand. He cuts himself off with a pained groan. "Ugh fuck, shit-" he struggles to his feat in intense pain and slowly makes his way to the door. "Just need to get the fuck away from here..." he mumbles to himself, not sure where he plans to go or how he plans to get there. "Agh!" he falls into the door, holding onto the door frame to keep himself up. This might be more injured than I've ever been before... he thinks to himself as he opens the door to leave.

Still holding onto the door frame for support, he takes a deep breath, looking out into the heavy rain and preparing himself before stepping outside, planning to disappear into the woodlands this house is backed onto. He makes it about 2 steps before intense pain forces him to the ground. He sits hunched over clutching his side, rain pouring over him as he groans.

"Dude, seriously." Adrian speaks from beside him. Jeff mentally cursed himself for being snuck up on, which would not usually happen. "Even if you make it off this property, you'll hurt yourself more, die of blood loss, or someone less willing to help you will find you." he crouches down beside Jeff, who holds his knife as threateningly as someone who's clearly unable to stand can. "Just accept the help I'm offering. It would be stupid not to." he extends a hand towards Jeff, who growls and raises his knife as a warning.

"I ain't exactly someone you want to be helping, kid." Jeff speaks in a low tone, eyeing Adrian with a menacing look. "Pfft," Adrian laughs, pushing a strand of wet brown hair out of his eyes. "I'm not stupid. Just have no regard for my own safety, they're two different things." he stands back up, looking down at Jeff with crossed arms. "Plus I don't know who you're calling a kid. You can't be much older than me." he moves to the shed door, opening it and looking back at Jeff. "Now seriously, swallow your damn pride and go back in there. You know I'm right, there's nothing else for you to do. I'll bring you food and medical supplies in the morning, but other than that I'll leave you to it." he goes back to the house, leaving Jeff sat there in the rain without waiting for a response.

"Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" Jeff swears to himself still sitting in the rain, pissed off at the situation he finds himself in. After a lot of swearing and muttering to himself, he painfully starts to make his way back out of the rain. As much as he'd be dead if Jeff had his way, the guy is right. Jeff doesn't really have a choice.

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