Chapter 56

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Muzan walked towards the Hashira while surrounding himself in a thick wall of his own flesh that was attached to him. The Night Sentinels rained their energy bolts upon the demon king but Muzan would simply create a new replacement layer, making him impervious to their attacks. King Valen leapt towards Muzan without hesitation, slicing through the thick wall of flesh to reveal the relaxed demon king who raised his eyebrow in mild surprise upon seeing Valen cut through his defenses. Muzan closed his eyes, merging with his wall before Valen could strike him. The king was now surrounded by Muzan's flesh. As a result, Valen began slashing wildly around him, attempting to cut down the wall surrounding him. However, just like before, Muzan would immediately replace his wall with another layer, slowly closing Valen off from the outside world.

In that moment, Rengoku and Uzui sliced their way into the center to save Valen from being consumed by the demon king. There was no time for formalities, they knew they were in a tight situation and needed to figure out how to get out and kill Muzan. However, the wall was still closing on the three swordsmen surrounded by Muzan's flesh. They hacked and slashed their way through his skin but it immediately replenished itself with each cut. Uzui barked as he raised his swords up high, "That's it! we need to get out of here!"

Rengoku immediately recognized the technique his peer was going to perform and pointed out, "Wait, Tengen! That's going to be a waste! That's going to kill us!"

"Then what do you expect me to do?! I'm not gonna get consumed by this jackass!"

Valen had enough as he shouted at the two Hashiras, "Enough with your bickering, both of you! We need to work together to defeat this creature once and for all!"

Rengoku asked, "Any ideas, your majesty?"

Muzan finally raised his voice to interrupt his prey, "It's useless, you cannot overcome my strength. I am unstoppable, why resist the inevitable?"

Valen tuned out the demon king as he raised his wrist towards his mouth so he could speak into his communicator. He alerted his nearby forces, "My brothers, I want you to launch an artillery strike on my position, and send in the dragons."

Rengoku smirked as he commented, "So you plan on taking us out with him?"

"You two seem dead-set on ridding yourselves of this demon. I will do what I must to ensure the safety and futures of my brothers in arms."

Uzui also smirked as he pointed out, "Eh, won't be a bad way to go out. If it works, it'll be a pretty flamboyant way to go out, wouldn't you agree, Kyojuro buddy?" The walls were still closing in on the three swordsmen, and they couldn't hold the demon king back for long until they heard:

"Sun Breathing: Dancing Flash!"

The three swordsmen blinked and they were swept off their feet and transported quite a distance away. They tried to process what just happened as they looked behind them to see who had carried them away from Muzan only to see Tanjiro kneeling down while managing to hold onto all three of them. He gently put the three swordsmen on the floor with ease, being able to lift them effortlessly with one arm. They then looked to see a pool of blood where Muzan used to be. Their jaws slightly dropped in amazement upon seeing the boy's brute strength put on full display.

However, in a fraction of a second, the demon king regenerated his body while grinding his teeth together out of frustration as he mocked, "You… how did you sneak up on me like that without me noticing?!"

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