Chapter 13 (MODIFIED)

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The Slayer ripped the jaw out of a nearby demon, stabbing into the eyes of another demon with it as they all screamed in pain. He propelled himself through the horde of demons, decapitating demons left and right as he passed through them like a harsh breeze. Dozens upon dozens of demons leapt into the fray, hoping to get a bite out of the Hellwalker but were blown to smithereens by the warrior's strength. An unfortunate demon approached the slayer from behind only to have it's head smashed in with enough force to send the skull out the lower half of the body.

The Doom Slayer threw his meathook through the torso of a demon, grabbing a hold of his chain as he swung the tool in a large sweeping motion. The force of his swing was strong enough to cut through the demons like a sickle in a field of grass. His position was compromised as more demons advanced towards him. As a result: the Slayer performed several backward handsprings to gain some distance before breaking into a violent whipping motion that obliterated the approaching demons.

The Lower Moons were far away from the action, watching the massacre unfold before them. Their jaws were slightly dropped but it was about time they stepped in as the fodder demons weren't up to par. Lower Moons 3 and 6 were the first to charge in while the rest remained back. Lower Moon 1, Enmu, formed a sickly smile upon seeing his comrades be slaughtered one by one and each of them screaming for help. He took pleasure in other people's suffering.

The Hellwalker was simply far too fast for the demons to keep up with. Even with the physical boost demons are given upon their transformation: it paled in comparison to the warrior of legend. The Slayer's strikes are without mercy, to say he hits with the force of a tidal wave would be a SEVERE understatement. It wasn't even possible to compare as their bodies were too fragile to tank the hits of the Hellwalker. Even if every demon there was able to merge into one all-powerful being, they would still be no match for the Hellwalker.

They wanted to run away, all of them, but they were smart enough to understand they couldn't so they chose to fight to the very end. The Slayer proceeded to ram his blade through several demons as if making a shish-kebab. With one powerful swing with his arm blade, the demons skewered by his Nichirin Blade were sliced in half. His instincts alerted him to an incoming demon coming from behind. There, he saw Lower Moon 3, Wakuraba, approaching very quickly. However, his appearance was partially opaque and distorted as if it was constantly shifting. The Slayer went for an immediate decapitation but was surprised to see his blade pass through as if the demon wasn't there.

Wakuraba was uncomfortably close to the Slayer as he reached his hand out but the Hellwalker was much quicker and miraculously blew off the demon's head with his other arm. This intrigued him as his blade passed through but he was able to make contact with his fist. It's not a problem but something for him to keep his eyes peeled for. He got back to work at dispatching the other demons and thinning out their numbers. He noticed the area was being consumed by a green gas that was making the other demons cough out blood. However, this didn't stop them.

Lower Moon 6, Kamanue, was blowing out a great deal of toxic gas from his mouth. It's his ability but he's never created this much poisonous gas to cover such a large area before. He was straining himself by pushing his ability this far but he needed to because this was the Hellwalker they were fighting. Unfortunately for him, the warrior was quickly approaching. This made Kamanue panic as he just witnessed his superior be swatted aside so he has no delusions of handling the Slayer in a physical altercation.

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