Chapter 2 (REMASTERED)

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The Doom Slayer followed the trio of kids across the landscape with Tanjiro leading the way to Mount Natagumo. Inosuke would get furious for being left behind and race forward to get the lead on Tanjiro and Zenitsu lagged behind due to laziness. The Hellwalker grew weary of following these children. The moment he knew where the demons were at, he was going to leave them in a heartbeat.

Tanjiro had taken an interest in the large man as he would occasionally look back every few minutes to see if the strange, green-armored man was still following him. The boy had a heightened sense of smell which allowed him to pick up many things, even emotions. However, the only scent Tanjiro was able to pick up radiating off the armored man was the distinct smell of blood and everlasting rage. The rage intimidated Tanjiro, at first, but it put him at ease knowing it wasn't directed towards him (or so he thought). He decided to break up the silence as he called out to the man behind him, "So.. are you from around here?"

Silence, that was the only answer Tanjiro received from the Doom Slayer. A bead of sweat formed on the boy's forehead, unsure of what to make of the silence. Inosuke barked from behind, "Dammit! This guy's annoying! Let's just kick his ass and go!"

Zenitsu ran up next to Inosuke as he reminded the boar-headed boy, "If memory serves, he was the one that bodied you."

"SHUT UP!" Inosuke tackled Zenitsu to the ground as the two boys began wrestling then and there. Tanjiro stopped and tried to separate his two friends who were engaged in intense wrestling. The Slayer stopped to look at the sunset and glared at Tanjiro who quickly looked back to see the warrior staring directly at him. The warrior's rage had not settled down one bit, it was kind of unnerving. Just what was this man upset about? Perhaps he lost someone close to him? Maybe. Tanjiro understood very well how it feels to lose people close to him. He had lost most of his family overnight while he wasn't home and he returned to see their corpses strewn across their floor boards, blood covering their walls. It was a traumatizing sight Tanjiro won't soon forget.

Tanjiro told the Slayer, "We're almost there, sorry, sir." Tanjiro pried his two friends apart and settled them down before they continued on. It wasn't long before the moon captured the sky and cast its light upon the landscape below. The temperature dropped significantly and the wind picked up into a chilling breeze that was not gentle to the boys' skin. Tanjiro pointed ahead as he announced, "There it is! Mount Natagumo."

Without hesitation, the Slayer bolted forward at full speed as he left the boys in the dust. The boy's jaws dropped when they saw the giant man blaze across the pathway leading into the forest of Mount Natagumo. It took no time for him to get sucked into the darkness of the forest, escaping the boy's sight as they looked towards each other, wide-eyed with shock as Zenitsu pointed out, "Holy crap, that guy's fast!"

"I've never seen someone move so quickly before, it's unreal!"

Inosuke started to growl and grew louder by the second before screeching, "DAMMIT! HE'S GONNA KILL ALL THE DEMONS BEFORE ME! NOT FAIR!" Inosuke ran as fast as he possibly could down the path but he was nowhere near as quick as the Doom Slayer who left him in the dust. Tanjiro cried out to the boar boy and stepped forward until he noticed Zenitsu had not moved an inch. He turned around to ask his friend:

"What's wrong, Zenitsu?"

Zenitsu started to shake as he cried out, "I got a bad feeling about this place, man! I'm getting scared thinking about what could be in that forest! It's so dark and scary, we could easily get lost and killed!" Tanjiro looked to the ground as he pondered what to say to his frightened comrade. As he did so, he felt a strong scent of blood blast into him which alerted him to the threat inside the forest. He looked back at the mountain and realized he couldn't sit around. He told Zenitsu before drawing his blade:

Doom & Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Xoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें