Chapter 32

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"WAKE UP!" The marine was slapped awake by one of the Night Sentinel Guards, he blinked several times as he tried to adjust to his new setting and process the pain. He was forced onto his knees by two guards who were holding him down in an attempt to prostrate him before the angelic, white creature from before. He was without his armor, he could feel it, he was in some ordinary clothing people on the streets wear. He felt so naked and unprotected even though he was still wearing clothes. It was a disgusting feeling for him. The marine began to look around as he realized he was in a dark room and couldn't discern many details aside from a few pillars. Surrounding the angelic creature were the two priests from earlier along with another robed man of similar appearance. This one wears an actual crown with a pale-green attire. The Marine didn't take kindly to being forced into a prostrated position and tried to free himself as he angrily muttered, "Release me…!" The guards who were on top tried their best to force the man back onto his knees but his tenacity surprised the experienced guards. One of them informed the creature:

"My grace, he's resisting! He won't stay still!"

"Release him. If we want our guest to cooperate, it's best we let him feel comfortable." The two guards didn't dare question the angelic creature and backed off as Flynn quickly rose to his feet and got a better look at his surroundings. There were more people in the room than he had realized. It was like he was in a throne room, that was as much as he could discern. With the adrenaline flushed out from his body, the marine was able to process and understand everything around him, he hesitantly asked:

"Where.. Am I?"

"You are currently in the capital city of Argent D'nur, Taras Nabad, very far away from where you were found which raises the question: Who are you and where did you come from?"

"I.. am just a simple marine. Where I come from doesn't matter anymore because there's nothing left." All the guards in the room looked at each other as they listened to the marine speak, intrigued by what he had to say.

"You mentioned something when you were in the gladiatorial arena of Sentinel Prime. Tell me, what is it you were speaking about?"

There it was, the anger came back to him with the force of a thunderstorm. Flynn curled his fists angrily which the angelic creature took notice of as the Marine spoke with a slight growl in his voice, "The demons! They.. are terrible TERRIBLE creatures! I hate them all! They took my family from me! They took away everything I cared about! Bodies, there were so many bodies, all dead! They're mindless brutes I tell you! They won't stop until they have reduced everything to ash! It's only a matter of time before they come here too!"

Flynn's words silenced the room, everyone talked amongst themselves as they tried to understand what the man was saying. However, Deag Grav scoffed at the man's statements as he mocked, "Do you actually believe that a group of.. Brutes.. Will bring ruin to our great cities? We have faced much worse, stranger."

"Not a group, there are millions of them! It's endless I tell you!"

Deag Grav still didn't seem interested as he turned to the angelic creature before stating, "My grace, I believe these are just the deranged ramblings of a broken man. There is nothing to worry about."

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