Chapter 30

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The leader of the Demon Slayer Corps resided within his peaceful mansion, undisturbed in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, that peace wouldn't last for long as a Kasugai Crow rushed towards the master in a hurry. The crow was panic-stricken and looked as if it had just narrowly avoided death. The crow spoke very quickly as the adrenaline was still flowing through the small creature, "There is a humongous monster wreaking havoc across Japan! Casualties are high and entire villages are wiped! Many of our demon slayers that have encountered the creature have already been taken out!"

Kaguya raised his brows in shock, if a creature was able to wipe out entire villages, this was easily a Muzan-level threat. Kaguya carefully instructed the crow while putting aside his slowly rising panic, "Inform all the others, we need every available demon slayer to take care of this threat immediately before it does any more damage!" The crow took off to follow its orders while Kaguya got to work alerting the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps.






The Slayer had finished tinkering his makeshift Super Shotgun to improve the meathook. As he did so, outside of Sagetsu's shed, the warrior's Kasugai Vulture quickly approached and perched itself on the warrior's arm as it relayed the news to the Doom Slayer. This had to be it, it looked like the Dark Lord was finally making his move against the Hellwalker. None of Muzan's demons matched the vague description given by the Vulture. This is really bad, nothing in this world could possibly stand a chance against the demons of hell. There was no time to discuss or theorize, he had to get moving before it was too late.






The Super Doom Hunter scoured the lands of Japan in search of the Doom Slayer. The humongous demon made every other creature seem tiny in comparison to it and no building could match the height of the Super Doom Hunter. The hoverpad the Agaddon Hunter was attached to emitted scorching flames from underneath the machine, setting fire to everything it passed under. It didn't take long for nearby forests to start burning, covering the sky in a blanket of smoke that blocked out the moon. The creature had not moved a single muscle since entering through the portal yet it managed to slaughter hundreds of people with it's machinergy alone. Occasionally, some maggot would come along to try and fight the Super Doom Hunter but their pathetic little blades could not penetrate the Doom Hunter's defenses.

There were several cameras installed into the Super Doom Hunter through which the Dark Lord witnessed its carnage firsthand. Davoth was accompanied by the Marauder and a team of scientists who were maintaining the creature's systems. They were inside of a control room in one of Immora's numerous research facilities with a wall covered in multiple screens displaying different sides of the Doom Hunter. The Marauder stood at attention next to his master who remained still with his arms crossed, eyes glued to the screen. One of the scientists, who's hands were flying across the keyboard to input certain commands turned to the Dark Lord as he informed, "My lord, we have yet to find the Doom Slayer's location, we'll continue our search."

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