Chapter 45

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The Slayer and the Marauder charged towards each other as the former threw a very quick right hook towards the demonic night sentinel who managed to block the punch and quickly draw the Super Shotgun with his other hand in response, aiming it towards the Doom Slayer's head at point-blank rage. Flynn managed to swat the double-barreled devastator away from him before it discharged and the shells flew past him. He went to draw his makeshift double-barreled shotgun but couldn't with the Marauder pushing the man's arm down in retaliation. The Slayer placed his foot on the demon's torso and pushed himself away from his opponent as he launched himself into the air and knocked the Marauder back slightly. The Hellwalker channeled his spiritual energy and extended his doom blade before muttering the name of his attack, "Blood Breathing: Second Form, Flash Blood." as he whipped around and slashed towards the Marauder, creating a sharp projectile of blood that shot towards the Marauder.

The demon had a split-second to react as he drew his argent axe and swung it towards the Doom Slayer, creating a slash-based projectile that intercepted the Slayer's attack. Both attacks crashed into each other but the Argent was more powerful than the Slayer's blood as it smashed through the warrior's attack and rapidly approached him. The Slayer twirled out of the way of the projectile before pointing his shotgun towards the Marauder to fire his meathook. The Marauder dashed backwards quickly as he watched the meathook dig into the ground in front of him and pull the Slayer forward. The warrior landed in front of the meathook and without delay, began throwing punches towards the Marauder who was backing away quickly.

Xernex needed to end this fight quickly, a prolonged match was not in his best interests. He was currently being monitored by the scientists of Immora who were carefully observing the battle unfold before them and rapidly taking notes as fast as possible. Xernex barked at the scientists, knowing they would be able to hear him, "How much longer until I can use it?!"

The Scientists were quick to respond, activating their microphones as they answered, "We need more battle data, just keep on fighting, Marauder." Xernex nodded in acknowledgement as he decided to stop dodging and catch the incoming attack of the Doom Slayer to hold him still before using the thrusters in his legs to deal a devastating side kick into the Hellwalker's side and blasting him away. The demonic night sentinel crouched down, igniting all of the thrusters built into his body and taking to the sky as he chased after his target.

The Doom Slayer was launched across the area before rolling into a nearby forest and obscuring himself within the shadows of the trees. Fortunately, he was quickly able to regain his footing as he carried his forward momentum and continued advancing in the same direction he was launched in. He looked behind him to see if the Marauder was chasing after him but saw no sign of the demon. He needed to bait the Marauder towards him, he had a plan.

From above the forest, the Marauder soared above the trees as he continuously scanned the forest below him to find any traces of the Doom Slayer and upon locking onto his target, the demonic night sentinel swooped down low to catch the Slayer off-guard.

The Slayer heard the Marauder coming towards him like a jet racing towards his opponent. As soon as Xernex broke past the branches, he hurled his argent axe like a boomerang as it rapidly spun towards the Doom Slayer, sweeping around the side to hit him. During this, the Marauder continued to hover above the ground as he zoomed through the forest, dodging all of the incoming trees he nearly smashed into as he kept his pace with the Doom Slayer who continued to charge forward. The Hellwalker narrowly slid underneath the axe as it flew past him and returned to its master exactly as intended as the Slayer sprung himself forward so as to not lose his velocity.

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