Chapter 53

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Kanao and Inosuke had recovered from their injuries inflicted upon them by Doma and were now working alongside the Night Sentinels to defeat the Second Upper Moon. The Sentinels were fortunate enough to regain some ground back from Doma who had seized it with his ice walls that reflected sentinel energy. Unfortunately, until the Sentinels were able to find a way to defeat Doma, there would be no way for them to advance forward.

Kanao and Inosuke were working together as they were the only members of the Demon Slayer Corps that were still alive in this sector of the battlefield fighting against Doma. The others, unfortunately, perished. They were currently fleeing from Doma after a failed attempt to sneak up on him, his reflexes were much sharper than they had anticipated, forcing them to run away. They were being chased by him but it was only a matter of time until he caught up. The two demon slayers saw a ditch up ahead and jumped into it to escape the demon's sight and provide themselves a bit of breathing room.

They sat inside of the ditch, breathing heavily after pouring every ounce of energy they had into outrunning the Upper Moon. Both were covered in sweat and a cold chill constantly filled their body. Inosuke complained while resting his head back, "DAMN IT! WHY WON'T THAT GUY JUST DIE?!"

Kanao's expression widened as she pressed her finger against her lips and made a "shhhhh!" sound to calm the boy down before adding on, "I understand how frustrated you are but we can't get reckless like that again! We've tried approaching him two separate times now and he nearly killed us both times as well!"

"Maybe we should try a third time, maybe that punk will have what's coming to him on our third attempt!"

"And what do you propose we do?"

"Kill him, ofcourse!"

Kanao's expression shifted to one of disappointment, She didn't really expect much less of Inosuke. She looked over the ditch to see if Doma was following them and was relieved to see nothing nearby. She hid inside the ditch once more and explained to Inosuke, "It's clear that neither of us can take him on our own. We're going to need some help!"

"Oooh! I hope from one of those, those beasts sure look like they might come in handy!" Inosuke pointed his finger towards a nearby clash between a Sentinel Atlan and a demonic titan.

Kanao blinked several times while watching the clash of titans nearby, each punch either combatant threw could be heard from miles away, their steps were able to subtly shake the ground. The girl answered, "Maybe, but those things look like they have their hands full. I was thinking we could start working with the soldiers around here more, we're not going to make any progress trying to fight by ourselves."

"Kek, as much as I hate to admit it, I'll have to agree with you. Let's figure out a way to kick this guy's ass!"

They both peaked out from the ditch, finding the safest route to retreat towards the Night Sentinels without catching any unwanted attention. After confirming their route, the two demon slayers left the ditch and began maneuvering around the battlefield towards a safe zone that was secured by the Night Sentinels. All around them, they were surrounded by Sentinel and ARC vehicles advancing towards the front lines as well as the hundreds of soldiers that ran alongside them. They needed to figure out some way to discuss a battle strategy. Kanao caught the attention of one of the charging Night Sentinels who stopped upon being called by the girl and asked what she wanted. The girl asked:

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