Chapter 5 (MODIFIED)

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Shinobu was still pinned down by the Doom Slayer, simply waiting to be released after the crow gave the announcement. The Slayer decided to release the woman but still kept his eyes on her. The woman got up to stretch out the areas of her back that ached from being pressed on. As this happened, Tanjiro called out to the warrior to grab his attention. The Slayer turned around to hear whatever the boy had to say, "Excuse me, sir, could you bring me that box over there? It's for Nezuko, it's so she doesn't burn up from the sun.", the boy nervously chuckled. It was by then that the girl started to regain consciousness, revealing her bright pink pupils as she readjusted her senses.

She looks around before stopping at her brother, both siblings giving each other a cheerful expression. The Slayer wasn't sure how to react to that, this girl wasn't anything like the other demons he's seen before. She could easily lash out at her brother but chose not to. Perhaps Tanjiro was right about the girl after all. He never thought he'd see a passive demon. He grabbed the box that was obscured several meters away and brought it to the Kamado's. Tanjiro told his sister to go inside the box and she did so without hesitation. Nezuko closed the box, protecting herself from all the outside elements. With all of that settled, Tanjiro asks the Slayer out of embarrassment, "If it's not too much for you, could you carry Nezuko for me? I would if I could move."

The Slayer gave the boy a blank stare through his helmet, taking the strapped box and slinging it over his shoulder. Inosuke interrupted from behind the Slayer and demanded to be the one to carry Tanjiro. The man didn't object as he watched the boar boy carry his comrade with such a triumphant expression (despite the boar mask). It was during this time that a group of henchmen wearing black outfits that obscured everything but their eyes entered the scene. Three of them wielding ropes that were ready to be tied. One went up to the Slayer, bringing the rope forward and explaining to the man, "Please put your hands out, sir! You are to be apprehended and we'll escort you." He didn't budge, looking at the small person before him who was visibly intimidated by the Slayer's stature.

The Slayer ignored the person in front of him and followed after the henchmen who began leading them away while carrying Nezuko on his back. The only reason he's even willing to go through with this is because this will take him to more people who know about this world. The more information he can gather, the better chance he has at returning to his dimension and stopping the Dark Lord.

Another henchmen tried to apprehend Inosuke but was met with the same amount of luck. Inosuke's response being: "If you even think about putting those damn things around me, I'll kill you." This was enough to scare off the person. Inosuke trotted towards the Slayer, refusing to lose to him in his personal race. In the meantime, he exclaimed to Tanjiro, "Ha ha ha! This must be very embarrassing for you! To be carried like a weakling." Tanjiro thanked Inosuke for the help, irritating the boy as he let out a mild screech before complaining, "DAMN IT, You're so annoying!"

Tanjiro kept his eyes on the box Nezuko was hiding in, the fatigue was starting to get to him as he had immense difficulty keeping his eyes open. He calls out to his sister one last time before falling asleep.






Inside of a large mansion surrounded by beautiful wisteria flowers, the father sat with his two daughters. Everyone else had left to perform their daily duties while the two children next to him remained as his escorts. He needed them because he has lost his vision due to a sickness which has slowly been killing ever since he was born. Though he still functions, he loses a tiny bit of himself each day. He held onto the girl's hands as they patiently waited for the semi-annual Hashira meeting that would take place at the headquarters of the demon slayers.

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