Chapter 20

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Christina's POV

Its been 10 hours since King Marcus died.

10 hours since the rival kingdoms were defeated and a democracy was put into place.

And 10 hours since the the bravest people I knew, sacrificed their lives for this democracy to happen.

Right now were are commissioning statues to be built of them to remind everyone of their selflessness, bravery, honesty, kindness, intelligence and their love for one another.

Four and Tris were really the modern day Romeo and Juliet, family's at war, meeting at a party with love at first sight, this was the real deal. What made it the best was that their love for each other was as real as it can be. I only wish that the rest of our group could honour them more.

The changed so much in such a short time but their love for one another was pure. Their names will never be forgotten and they will always be in our hearts.

There never was a story with more woe than that of Juliet and her Romeo.


Ladies and Gentlemen that is the end of the story I am afraid. I'm sorry for the sad ending but that is how Romeo and Juliet ended.

Apologies for the two short chapters in a row.

I decided that I'm going to post the first chapters of both of my two new stories:
Agents of the Forgotten Faction and Divergent Wedding Planner
It will be a teaser as to what's to come :) I'm probably going to write the whole thing first and then post them so I guess the first chapters of each will be all you get for now <3

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Keep smiling :D

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