Chapter 18

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Ow ow ow...

My head hurts and I feel like someone flipped the world upside down and put it in a blender. Of course I feel that way. Marcus and his men found us and he injected me with something.

Even though he hurt me, it doesn't compare to what I feel like with Four betraying me. He set this up. He kept denying it but I don't know what to believe anymore. Who do I trust? Do I even trust myself.

At the moment I'm lying in a bed. My hands and legs have been tied down I guess so I don't try to run. Not that I can at the moment because every tiny movement makes me want to puke my guts out.

"Hello Princess I trust you find everything accommodating?" A maid asks me when she walks in.

"Where am I?" I ask groggily.

"The Eaton castle madam," she replies.

"Where are my friends?"

"The King is holding them in somewhere in the castle but that is all the information I am privy to," she tells me.

Well I can't ask her that much more. She's already committing some kind of treason by telling me all that.

What do I do? I have to find my friend but I want to find out this secret of my family. Well I've lived for 16 years without that information so I guess I can live without it for life.

The door opens again and I see Marcus walk inside with Four. Four's hands are bound behind his back, his head is bloody and he has two guards on either side of him.

"Good morning Beatrice," Marcus says cheerfully. Odd...

"Tris I swear it wasn't me!" Four says quickly earning a punch in he gut from one of the guards.

He groans and falls down to one knee.

"The power of love is a beautifully weird thing. It can cause a man to completely lose their mind, all for another human being," Marcus says calmly circling Four.

"May I inquire to your presence?" I say formally. I need to remind him that I am still royalty. Royalty are treated slightly differently to commoners.

"At least she has manners Tobias," he says.


"Oh wait you didn't tell her did you. Beatrice may I formally introduce my son Crown Prince Tobias Eaton. The Prince that will take over the Prior Kingdom," he says.

"My parents will never allow that!" I defend.

"Well they can because they are in their grave as well as Prince Caleb and Princess Susan. You may not have known this but you were going to become and aunt," he says with an evil smile.

"You murderer!" I yell fighting against the bonds. Susan was pregnant with Caleb's child and Marcus killed her.

"I had to Beatrice, your family has wronged mine for generations!" He yells coming over to me.

"No! Stay away from her! Mother would never approve!" Four or Tobias yells.

"Your mother is no longer physically my concern," he says calmly.

It takes me a few seconds to realise that he killed Queen Evelyn too. Poor Tobias.

"You want to know what happened well here it is," he says releasing me from the bonds.

I cautiously sit up straight and wait for the onslaught of history to come from him.

"Once upon a time long long long time ago there were two kingdoms, the Priors and the Eatons. In some generation a Princess from the Eaton kingdom fell in love with the Prior prince and they ran away together and had a child. My ancestors refused to have that child as the offspring so they killed it. The blood cannot be mixed. As her punishment her Prince was killed in front of her. But the Prior line didn't end there. That Prince had a bastard of a brother who continued the family name while the Eaton name also flourished with the Princess's brother. And it was because of those two in which our family's have this feud. The Prince's execution brought outrage to the kingdom just because blood was mixed," Marcus recounts.

"All this was because of a death?" I ask.

"A death that your family caused," he argues.

Marcuse looks at the guards and gives them a nod. They release Tobias and walk outside the room and not a moment later they bring all our friends in, including Tori and Johanna. Marcus stands aside and Tobias rushes towards me.

I get up off the bed and rush into his arms.

"Tris I'm so sorry," he says holding me close to him while he softly kisses my head.

"Tris help!" I hear Christina yell.

I remove myself from Tobias and see that all our friends have been restrained by the guards. Each guard holds one of my friends, hand clenched over their mouth and the other arm is wrapped around their arms and waist preventing them from moving. It looks like they are being forced to watch something but what?

"This room is where the Eaton blood line was soiled by the Priors and this is where it will end once and for all, Long Live the Eatons," Marcus says.




"TRIS!" I hear Tobias yell.

I look at my friends and they have the same look of horror and sorrow on each of their faces. The guards have released them and stood back watching an onslaught of violence happening.

I hear a bunch of punches being thrown off to my side which is then accompanied by the fire of a shotgun.

I look to where that happened and Tobias stands above his father with the gun in his hand. King Marcus lays on the ground with a bullet hole in his forehead.

I feel faint and look down at my body. My clothes are soaked in blood where the 3 bullets hit me in the stomach. I wobble back but I am caught by Tobias's strong arms as he carefully lays me down.

"Tris you are going to be okay, alright?" he says but I think its more for him than me.

"Tobias lets not...kid ourselves here," I say to him. Not good, I'm struggling to stay awake.

"Please don't leave me, I love you," he says to me kissing me hard on the lips.

I kiss him back with as much force as I can muster. I'm glad that the last thing on this earth will be his lips on mine.

" I love you too," I say.


Guyys my brother gave me his cold :/

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Keep smiling :D

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