Chapter 11

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Tris POV

Its been a little over an hour since we left the palace and the group of us have been riding non stop. Four wants to get as much distance between us and the two kingdoms before nightfall.

We still have plenty of time. Its only early in the afternoon.

The green trees are tall all around us providing us protection against prying eyes. It smells so fresh and clean and the sound of the stream bubbling beneath us gives it the perfect touch.

"Alright lets give the horses a break," Four says dismounting from Ranger.

We all do the same and soon the sound of our feet hitting the ground is the only unnatural sound in the forrest. I lead Patch over to the stream and he gulps at the water.

"Thanks Patch," I say stroking his neck and mane.

"He is a beauty," Four says coming over and stroking Patch's mane with me.

I smirk at him, "He's my beauty."

"What so I'm not a beauty?" he says sarcastically.

"Dude I think she just said she prefers the horse to you," Zeke says with an amused face.

We all laugh.

"So I have a question, where are we actually going?" I ask.

Everyone at this point looks at Four.

"Well when I was little my father wanted to know my future so he sought the help of this medicine woman. She pulled me aside one day and told we would meet again someday in a forrest outside the kingdom in a time when love was at stake. I assume that it means now. She's in the heart of the woods with her tribe," he explains.

"Oh my god! She does fortune telling? I wonder what my future says? I hope that it is a good one! I wonder how many kids I am going to have?" Christina says.

"No pressure Will," Uriah says nudging him playfully while Will turns a nice shade of red.

"I wonder if she can predict marriages?" Marlene says.

"What about couple meetings? Hey Lynn I wonder if she can find you a boy," Shauna says.

"Trrriiiiisssss," Lynn groans.

I laugh and open my arms for her. She comes to me and we hug it out. Usually it is us two against the other girls.


Suddenly all of us are silent and the only movement between us are our horses flicking their tails.

Four comes over to me and Lynn and usher us behind him in a protective manner. My initial thought to the sound was that someone had found us. Marcus's men must have come after either me or Four.

I see Four's arms tense in front of me. His stance is suggesting that he is going to put up a fight if the guards come.

I second and a half later we see a deer emerge from the trees. It was obviously the alpha male, you could tell from the huge antlers it had. So regal and graceful as he walked cautiously towards us.

"You are lucky. The Great Deer hardly shows himself to anyone in the forrest, especially strangers," a new female voice says.

We turn around to see a young woman, maybe about mid 20's stand behind us also observing the deer. Her hair was black and was dressed in black clothing. She had a simple woven bag that was slung across her shoulder and in her hand was a really long stick one I could only assume was used for walking.

"Hello Four," she says with a smile.

"Tori," Four acknowledges.

"Ah you remember Will and the Pedrad brothers?" he asks.

"Hello boys. Not causing too much trouble are we Pedrads?" she asks with a smile.

"Trouble? Where did you get an idea like that?" Uriah asks sarcastically.

"You travel with girls it would seem," she says.

"Yes this is Marlene, Lynn, Shauna, Christina and-"

"Princess Beatrice," she finishes.

"How-" Marlene begins only to be cut off by Tori.

"I know a lot about the Princess. Your highness," she says bowing to me.

"Oh please that's really not necessary," I say going over to her.

"As you wish. What brings you out to the woods with Four?" she asks me.

I was about to respond when Four beats me to it, "Well actually we were looking for you. Marcus declared war upon her kingdom and I got her out."

"You got her out?" Tori says and Four nods. She has that look that makes it seem that she is playing something risky, like all the gears were turning in her head.

"Come with me," she says and takes off walking deeper in the forrest.

We eye one another before silently deciding to follow her.

"Patch, come on boy," I say leading his reins to follow her.

It was only a short walk when we started to see a small hideout. It was filled with Tipis, hammocks, hunting equipment, a camp fire, more horses and a tree house of sorts.

"Welcome to our humble abode. Mi casa su casa," she says.

"Its beautiful," I hear Christina say.

"Much like yourself," Will reply earning a kiss from Christina.

"Awww Zeke, why don't you do anything cute like that?" Shana says while fangirling over Christina and Will.

"Point one Will!" Will says throwing his fist in the air.

"Because I have these," Zeke says showing off his guns in a Z shape.

"Bro it ain't as good as this pose," Uriah says showing off his guns in a U shape.

Man these boys out to be cheerleaders considering they can make letters out of their arms. Lynn and I give each other that look to as 'why do we even know these people?"

"Please sit down and rest the horses," Tori says leading us to the stables.

I put Patch in the stables where there is an abundance of food for him to gorge in.

"So Princess, how did you meet Four?" I heard Tori ask me.


Don't forget to read Agent Tris Prior and Divergent Pageant

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Keep smiling :D

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