Chapter 6

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Three days later at the Harvest Festival...

I had to wear formal clothes to the Havest Festival because this year I was allowed to declare it open. It was so exciting! I got to cut the red ribbon at the gates!

My mother gave me permission to change clothes afterwards that ceremony hence why now I'm walking around in a white singlet, jeans and brown riding boots.

The girls have not let it go that I am meeting Four soon at the Ferris Wheel.

"TRIS THIS IS SO EXCITING!" Christina says.

"Please calm down its getting weird..." I beg.

"But she's right! Tris this could be your Romeo! And plus your mother wants to meet him!" Marlene says.

"Please please please keep this on the down low," I say.

"I got your back Tris," Lynn says.

"Lynn this is why you are my favourite," I say smiling.

I see my mother walk up to us. My friends also notice this and wish me good luck before they go off and explore the fair.

"It's almost 6. Are you ready for your date?" She asks.

"It's not a date mum," I say with a sight.

"Right. Honey I too was once 16," she says.

She hooks arms with me and leads me to the Ferris Wheel. There was a nice sunset happening at the moment. The sky was lit up with soft colours that refused to end.

As we approach the Ferris Wheel I do see Four there. He smiles and waves when he sees me and meets us halfway. He was wearing dark jeans, black t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Hey Tris," he says.

"Hey, uh Four this is my mother," I say making a quick intro.

"Your highness," he says with a small bow.

"Please, it's Natalie," she says extending her hand out to him.

He takes it and shakes.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asks my mother.

"Listen to me Four. I don't know why our two families are fighting. It seems we have lost the reason to what started it all. Love is always better than hate and if you truly love my daughter, why should a name stand in the way. Every mother and father must let go of their babies eventually," she says stroking my cheek.

"Take good care of her Eaton," she says to him.

"I won't let anything happen to her Ma'am," he says.

"Natalie," mother replies with a wink before walking off.

"I am so sorry about that! She insisted that she meet you after I told her," I say.

"She seems like a cool mum to have. It looks like you two are really close," he says.

"There you are! Where have you been?!" A girl says from behind Four.

She has brown hair but it's going blonde and the roots. Blonde was obviously her natural colour. She's a very curvy girl which makes me self conscious of my own body. She has brown eyes and her face as been caked with make up. Her outfit I can only explain as being a long t-shirt and heels.

"What do you want Lauren?" Four groans.

"Do I have to make it that obvious?" she asks.

"I'm here with someone else," he replies.

"Your father wanted us to be here. You are going against his orders and you know it. You and I will be the next King and Queen of the kingdom and there is nothing you can do. All you need is to pop down on that knee of yours and give me your mother's engagement ring," she says.

I feel hurt. Well that's what my parents tried to make me do anyway. But I thought Four was going to be different. I thought his family would not be like mine with marriage.

"Maybe I should go. I don't want to interrupt anything between you two. This seems like a private conversation that I shouldn't be listening into," I say. Mother always taught us to be considerate and selfless.

"Tris wait," Four starts.

"It was lovely meeting you Lauren was it?" I ask.

"Yes now please leave me and my boyfriend alone to discuss our future together," she says.

I nod my head politely to her and walk away.

I kinda just feel like my heart has been crushed even though I technically only met the guy a couple nights ago. Who was I kidding? An Eaton and a Prior together? What if our parents kept us separate for a reason?

I keep walking until I find myself near one of the kiddy rides. Its the small, colourful trains that go really really slow. I remember that Caleb and I used to ride them together when we were kids.

"TRIS," a voice calls.

I don't have to turn around to know who that voice belonged to.

"Please wait!" he says.

I turn around to him and cross my arms.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude in your conversation earlier," I say to him.

"There was nothing going on at all. Yes my parents did try and set us up but I felt nothing," he says

I look at him with disbelief.

"I never felt anything for her! She isn't like you. I don't want her because she isn't you," he says to me.

"Four I want to believe you but I have to respect your parent's wishes for you to be with someone else. I'm fine with that. So please go back to Lauren and discuss your future," I say.

That breaks my heart to tell him that but I have to respect their wishes otherwise I could be in huge trouble with them and my parents.

"I don't care! I told you that I would rather change my name to be with you. Please give me a chance to be something other than an Eaton to you," he says.

"Are you sure that Lauren isn't going to be a problem if we are in a relationship?" I ask. I have to admit that was pretty bold of me to say since I never really am like that.

"Lauren will not be a problem. And if she ever comes between us, I will make it brutally obvious that it isn't on," he says.

To prove his point he pulls me in a kisses me. He makes all my problems melt away with one delicate touch of his lips. Our lips move in sync.I finally give in and kiss him back wrapping my arms around him. It felt like the first night that kissed him. It felt right and as cliche as it sounds, it felt magical.


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