Chapter 16

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Tris POV

You know that moment when you have your eyes closed and a light shines on to your face and you see orange? That was what I saw with my eyes closed. I figured daylight was upon us. There was a weird smell slowly surrounding the area I can't put my finger on it but it was very familiar.

"GUYS GET UP! FIRE! FIRE!" I hear Will and Lynn scream.

I bolt awake and sit upright on my bed. They were right there were bright colored flames dancing all around the room. Outside there were screams of terror and instructions being yelled.

"Tris we've got to go!" Four says dragging me out of bed.

We all quickly shove our feet into our shoes and sprint out the burning door. The scene outside is a massacre. Literally everything that could catch fire was on fire. All the crops, the homes and people's clothing. All around there were men in masks mounted on to horses slashing everything in their paths with their swords.

"Help! Help!" A young girl yells.

"Bloom!" I yell rushing off to the direction of her house. I walked her home after out encounter so I do know where I am going. It's only about 3 houses down from where we are.

"Tris!" The group yells.

I sprint to the house that was erupting in flames. I burst through the door to find Bloom there in the middle of the fire clinging to her doll, fear dominant in her eyes.

"Tris!" She screams.

"Bloom come on take my hand," I instruct.

She obeys and I pull her past the dancing flames. Once she's standing next to me I pick her up and run out the door and bump into Four.

"Oh thank god!" He says taking Bloom from my arms. He holds her close to him and Bloom clings on to him terrified of the ordeal surrounding her.

"We have to find Alana and Johanna, the others are getting out horses," he tells me.

He grabs hand and we both run to The Great Hall. The Great Hall was like this really massive structure on the other side of the village, it was a dome shape and had many trees and shrubbery growing. It seemed well protected from the flames but you could tell that the atmosphere was heating up from the flames. It was the only place the flames hadn't reached yet.

"Bloom!" A woman's voice yells.

"Mamma!" Bloom yells back.

"Your highness thank you!" She says coming over to us.

Four sets Bloom on the ground and she sprints into her mother's arms.

"Mamma, we have to save Tris," she says coming over tugging on my arm.

"No Princess, take your horse and run into the woods put as much distance between yourself and the village. We'll buy you some time," Johanna says from behind me.

"But I can't just leave you here. Those men are after me!" I yell at her.

Johanna comes up to me and forces me to looking into her dark brown eyes. The light of the flames dance on skin creating shadows on the contours of her face.

"You need to leave. The only way we will survive is if the monarch survives," she says sternly. She nods behind me and I feel a pair of strong arms carry me away.

"Tris!" Bloom cries.

"Bloom. Four no please we have to help them!" I say squirming around.

He puts me down next to Patch.

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