Chapter 13

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"Okay so what's the best trick you can do while saddled up on Patch?" Four asks me.

We've been at this for awhile. Sitting up in the tree admiring nature around us and talking about complete nonsense.

"Well I can shoot a bullseye with a bow and arrow while riding. It was a for show thing at some contest that our kingdom was holding," I answer.

"Not bad," he says.

"Alright I got one for you. What was the story your parents told you?" I ask.

"What story?"

"The story of the Priors and Eatons," I say dramatically.

He chuckles and begins, "Ahhh of course that story. Well they told me that ages ago during the reign of King Mark and Queen Eleanor our kingdom had a daughter and two sons. They say that the Prior kingdom came and stole the baby girl and raised it as their own and then one day during a rescue siege the Prior's executed the girl in front of the royal family," he explains, "What was the story that you heard?"

"I was taught that the Eatons stole something precious to us, it could have been an heirloom or a person but apparently to this day they still have that special something locked away. I was told it was from the time of King Robert and Queen Lily. It was something that defines us being Priors, a secret as to who we are. There was also something about a missing person and them being apparently kidnapped by the Eatons," I say to him.

"Well its obvious that our families are biased and that they cannot stick to a story," he says with a chuckle.

"Kinda makes you wonder what actually happened doesn't it? I mean the feud has been going on for so long that I doubt anyone knows what happened originally," I say.

"Whatever it is it caused us to have a grudge against each other for a very a long long long time," he says to me.

"Four, Tris come down! Uriah is eating all the food!" Zeke yells up at us.

We both laugh and start to make our way down. Four climbs down first followed by me. Once we hit the ground I see that Uriah is happily chewing at some kind of leg meat from some animal that Tori hunted.

Four and I stare at Uriah for a couple minutes kind of like the way parents look at their newborn sleeping for the first time with complete love and awe.

Uriah finally notices and looks up, the leg of meat still in his mouth.

"Whassup guys?! Want some?" Uriah asks with an innocent face.

"I'm good thanks Uriah but you certainly seem to be enjoying it," I say to him.

"Honey I was born to eat," he says in a sassy tone that cracks us all up.

One of Tori's followers makes his way over to me. He looks like the one that Lynn was talking to earlier.

"Princess," he says holding a bowl out to me. It had a few chunks of meat and a few vegetables in there.

"Thanks-" I say.

"Scott," he says with a smile.

I feel Four's arm wrap around my waist in a protective manner. I guess he's the kind of guy that doesn't want me to get overly comfortable with other guys. Not that I can blame him. I mean I felt slightly jealous when he was talking to Lauren at the Harvest Festival.

He leads me to a log where we both take a seat. I take out some meat and start to eat it and hand the bowl to Four. The meat is succulent and juicy.

"Wow," I say after my first bite.

"Its a deer slow roasted over the fire with my secret herbs and spices," Tori says with a wink.

The campfire burns before us sending embers into the air. Around the campfire we all sit in couples which I think is cute. Will and Christina flirt with each other, stealing food from each other's bowls. Uriah even shares his leg of meat with Marlene. Zeke and Shauna just hold hands, talk and look into each others eyes while Lynn is getting archery lessons from that Scott guy. We all seem so much more relaxed when we are away from the duties of the castle.

"You alright Tris?" Four asks.

"Yeah just tired I guess, its been a long day," I say snuggling up on his shoulder.

"Hey Four, where we heading tomorrow?" Marlene asks.

"I know a village close by that isn't bound by any kingdom. My mother and I helped them out so hopefully they will keep us safe and undetected for awhile until we figure out what to do," he says.

"I hope they have shops there," Christina says excitedly.

Lynn and I immediately turn our attention to one another. If there are it means that she and I have to go shopping with her....

Shauna and Marlene look excited to go.

"And before you even veto the idea Tris and Lynn, you two are coming along," Chrisitna says demandingly.

Lynn and I groan while the other girls laugh and the boys suppress a laugh.

"Alright everyone, time to turn in for the night because we have to quench the fire. Scott you are on first watch then its Derek then Emma then me. Everyone else fine a nice comfy spot on the ground and I shall see you tomorrow morning," Tori says.

After this there is a chorus of "goodnights" and "night" and "sleep tight"

Four leads me to a secluded area of the campsite and sits on the ground. I sit down next to him and yawn. My eyelids start to droop and I starting to feel the effects of exhaustion.

He lies down and pulls me down with him, letting me use his arm as a pillow.

"We're alright, I promise," he says to me but I'm too far gone to reply to him. I lay there being comforted by his warmth and his protection.


Guys my first ever fanfic got to over 20k reads!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me! Great way to start my Friday!!

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keep smiling! :D

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