Chapter 4

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Four's POV (I swear this wasn't intentional!)

A:N This is just after Christina pulls Tris away at the party

I just kissed her and it was amazing. She was something. Blonde hair, striking blue eyes, beautiful figure. It was right of her to dress up like an angel.

"Four. Four? Fooouuuurrrr? Hello?" Will says waving his hand infront of my face.

"Yes?" I say.

"We need to leave like now," he says with urgency.

"Why?" I ask, my mind still focused on the girl.

"King Andrew knows you are here and you are in even more trouble after what you just did," he says.

"What did I do? I didn't break anything of his so it can't be that bad," I say lightly.

"Ha ha ha, you did something worse. That girl you were with. The one that you were kissing. Who is she?" Will asks crossing his arms.

"Well she was uhh, um.. gorgeous?" I say sarcastically.

Will does not seem amused by my act which is weird. He is usually a fun upbeat kind of guy.

"Okay fine who was she?" I say.

"That was Prior's daughter. Beatrice. Tris. Princess Tris. Ringing a bell?" he says.

"What's ringing a bell?" Uriah asks walking up to us with Zeke behind him.

"The name Tris Prior sound familiar to you guys?" Will asks.

"Yeah isn't she the Princess? Why?" Zeke asks.

"Four over here just kissed her."

"Yeah buddy!" Uriah yells. He slaps me on the back and gives me a bear hug.

"That can't be her!" I say. I can see her half way up the stairs having a talk with Christina. She turns around and locks those intense blue eyes with mine. I think we may have both figured out each other's secret. She breaks the gaze and looks away.

"No she can't be the Princess," I say shaking my head.

"Awww does Four have a little crush on his enemy's daughter?" Zeke asks batting his eyelashes at me.

"How Shauna stands you, I will have no clue," I say desperately trying to get the heat off me.

"Nice try man. But this is still going to be about you and Tris," he says.


"Well it works because you are 18. She's only 16. It is a perfect marrying age considering that you rejected the other Princesses that have come to win you," he says.

"That's because they wanted me for sex and money," I retort.

"Answer honestly. Do you feel something for the girl?" Zeke asks.

The three guys stare at me for my answer. I look down and fiddle with my fingers.

"Thats a yes! You always fiddle when you try and hide something from us!" Uriah says

"Friends," King Andrew says.

It is now so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. I tune out what he is saying. I can only think about her. The way she felt in my arms. The way her lips felt on mine. I have to see her again. I know I have to. There isn't another girl like her. I am going to get into so much trouble but I have to see her again. One last word, one last kiss, one last touch.

I feel people moving and I feel my friends lightly ushering me out the door. I look back and I see her at the top of the stairs looking at me. She looks so filled with sadness.

I am pushed out the door and to the car before I can catch another glimpse of that angel.

"Let's go Four," Will says ushering me to the car.

I stand there looking at the ground.

"I know that look.... Please don't do anything stupid... You know that is Uriah's speciality..." Zeke says.

"Yeah, HEY!" Uriah says.

"There is a side street that goes at the back of this palace. It is right next to the gates. Park the car there and wait," I instruct.

I take off my chainmail outfit which leaves me in a black muscle T and jeans.

"What are you going to do?" Uriah asks.

I don't answer.

I just run. I ignore my friends calling my name and I run. I keep to the shadows and run to where the lit up window is. There is a balcony there with white curtains flowing in the breeze. Below that is a patio and a swimming pool. There are vines that crawl up the wall all the way to the balcony. I hide behind one of the statues there.

I hear her voice.

"Guys please keep it between us. My father doesn't know and I would like to keep it that way," she says.

"But there is no doubt that you and Prince Four are the cutest things ever!" some girl sqeals

"Christiana's right Tris, you deserve to find someone. It would just be heaps more convienant if it wasn't in these circumstances," another says.

I peak out of my hiding place to see her walk out on the balcony. She's changed into short denim shorts and a flowy white singles. Her blonde hair has been tied up into a pony tail. Instead of just standing there she climbes down the vines and lands on the patio. She walks elegantly to the pool and dips her feet in. She is less than 2 meters away from me.

I see her friends have come on to the balcony.

"Admit it Tris, you have it bad," Uriah's girlfriend says

"I do not," she replies.

It's now or never right? Here's hoping.

I walk from my hiding place to underneath the balcony. I'm out of sight from her friends but just behind her.

"I think you do have it bad," I say to her.

She whips her head around and looses her balance at the edge of the pool. She grabs me for balance but I end up falling in with her.


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