"Well, there's enough drama in our lives to keep to you entertained for a long time." He joked.

"Shut up and watch the show." I pinched his ear.

His body was starting to get heavy, so I'm assuming he fell asleep.

No way this nigga is putting all his 185lbs on me right now.

I just let him be, I know he needs some sleep. I love that he finds comfort in me during these difficult times. It's such a wholesome feeling.

Hours later.

We were both sleeping peacefully until the constant ring of Wardell's phone woke us both up.

"Oh shit." His eyes widened as he looked down at his phone screen.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." He locked his phone and laid back down on the bed. "Ayesha's just blowing my phone up."

"What if it's an emergency?"

"Ally, relax. She just wants attention."

"Wardell!" I slightly raised my voice.

"What?" He turned to me.

"Just go home. It's late. Don't make this situation any more complicated than it already is."

"Don't make me go back there." He pleaded. "I can't be in the same with Ayesha without wanting to strangle her."

"Babe, I get that, but you need to keep her as happy as possible so this divorce can go smoothly. You don't want to be in a situation similar to mine where my ex won't sign the divorce papers. It could get ugly."

"There's literally no way I win without someone getting hurt." He shook his head and started stroking his beard, deep in thought.

"Wait, now I'm confused. What do you mean?"

His sighed deeply. "Promise me nothing will change when I tell you this."

"What is it?" My heart began to race.

"Just promise me."

"Wardell, I swear to God if you don't open your damn mouth!"

"Ayesha threaten to take the kids away if I leave her." He reveals and I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

I knew she would do something like this.

"But don't worry about it, I have everything under control." He tried to reassure me but I wasn't buying it.

"She's fucking insane! Threatening you with your own kids. That's messed up."

"I can handle her."

I swear this is like 2009 all over again.

"Why can't we just be happy? We always have to jump through hurdles to be together and I'm sick of it!"

"Maybe this is the universe's way of testing if we actually belong together. Just trust me, okay? I'll figure it out." He gave me a reassuring smile.

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