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Jude's POV

It was 2 days after the accident were we had to rescue Jordan from the crash. Me and mum have been living in the hospital whilst Jobe and dad drive here everyday.

She is stable and healthy meaning she has no illness or conditions just a broken rib and a nasty cut on her head which has been stitched. She hasn't woken up yet properly so today the doctor said she needs to be awake before she could run the risk of going into paralysis shock.

We decided to go down to the cafeteria to get some food because we had sat all night with her and we were both tired and needed something to eat.

I got a coffee for the first time ever which would have made her laugh. I also got a sandwich and carried it back up to her ward whilst mum was still ordering.

I got back to the room to look through the window and see Jordan lay down flat with her eyes open and looking around.

"Nurse! She's awake!" Jude yelled down the corridor placing his coffee on the table

The doctor ran in and began to shine torches and everything in her eyes before all moving away and propping the bed headboard up so she was sat up.

"Good news sir! She's fully conscious no hard damage done to the brain. She will need to stay in hospital for at least the remainder of the day and we will check her tonight for discharge." The doctor finished and left the room.

Luckily my mum had arrived behind me and heard so I wouldn't need to explain it.

"Jordan my baby! Your awake finally!" Denise said running to her and kissing her forhead. Not the cut. Gently.


Jordan's POV

I woke up to torches in my eyes and back out again before being sat up and I remained my conscience. I finally zoned back in and remembered what had happened before Denise was kissing my head and speaking to me.

"I'm so sorry." I said guiltiness flicking my tone.

"Don't be sorry. You didn't mean to Crash. Your safe now and you maybe able to go home tonight love!" Denise said happy but still abit teary.

"Ew look at my head. I look awful." I said pulling a face of disgust in the hospital mirror.

"Wouldn't really expect you to look good after flipping your car over and being in hospital for 2 days." Jude said with a small chuckle before getting up and walking to my bed.

"I'm so glad your okay. I was really worried and I feel awful." He said hugging me from over the bed but not putting any pressure on my ribs.

"I wasn't angry at you. I was angry about another thing to do with my performance. As I pulled out of "our spot" this dude in an Audi came flying past and hit me and drove off. I lost control of the car. I then rang you and I think because of my cut on my head I fell unconscious." I said shrugging my shoulders but quickly winced in pain of stretching.

"Well we have his registration so the police are dealing with it." Denise said with a reassuring face.!

"That's good." I said resting my head back.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and I got filled in on everything. I didn't realise how much happens in 2 days.  I forgave Jude because who could stay angry? He also told me how he did my like her and he was just- bored. We talked a little longer until the door burst open.

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