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(listen to Just Another Thing We Don't Talk About by Tom Odell for the added effect)

(listen to Just Another Thing We Don't Talk About by Tom Odell for the added effect)<3

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* 22 weeks preggo *

"When you learn a new word, you suddenly see it everywhere. The mind comforts itself by believing this to be coincidence, but isn't – it's ignorance falling away. Your future self will always see what your present self is blind to. This is the problem with mortality, which is in fact a problem of time."

The quote sat heavy in her mind the more she went over it with the back of her pen, tapping over the letters and counting them as the leaves rustled above her head, the bright hue of her mandarin tree reminding her it was time to toss them in a basket and make use of them.

Her favorite book held many highlighted lines and underlined phrases she associated much of her life with and romantic realizations along the way, most of them being after she found the other half of her soul that was lost until a single kiss rekindled their loose ties to each other.

The singular word was one she thought was a figment of her imagination, or perhaps she'd read too many fictional romance novels to believe it could be true. What she didn't know was that her fairy tale would come disguised by the smell of burnt joints and run down sidewalks with poor lighting for her to even decipher her darling's appearance.

Her own forever would smell of mahogany and a hint of teakwood, a scent that would become her new addiction for a lifetime to come. He would hum his favorite tunes to her when the radio would be off the air and his rhythm blues would fill the silence.

She would believe for most of her life that most of her love would be reserved for when her little one would finally make their appearance into this world, but little did she know she'd come to preserve a separate jar for the green eyed being that would shift every gear she'd ever known and make her take an alternate route to the happily ever after she'd only ever heard tales about.

She set her book aside when her baby's cries whirled her inner monologue away and felt a smile light up her features when her beloved walked through the opening of the back doors, a pout sombering his own at the distress their baby was in.

"I know it hurts, baby, I know." It tore his heart out to see their child strained in agony by their cries only growing tenfold. She took them into her arms and lifted them up in the air with a jolly smile, hoping her happiness would soothe her little one's pain. "I tried everything."

"Did you rub the gums with your finger?" She remembered her baby's pediatrician's recommendation after their recent appointment when they discovered their baby's cries stemmed from their teeth coming in. It only made her heart shatter knowing there was only so much the new parents could do for them, but it didn't stop them from trying their best.

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