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* 16 weeks preggo *

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* 16 weeks preggo *

"Zip me up, please."

"I already did."

Her shoulder sag. "Why're my boobs still hanging out then?"

"Maybe because you picked one two sizes bigger and you don't have the rack to fill it up." She doubles over in a fit of laughter and I walk back to the bench to catch my breath from helping her change into different dresses for the past hour.

Ember got the call just a few days ago that she'd be walking in the next Gucci show for their fall collection reveal and managed to snag two invites for me and Zayn to tag along.

Me and Zayn wanted to treat her to some dinner beforehand to calm her nerves, knowing she's nervous about walking her first major runway, and also as a small gift to show how proud we are of her.

While Zayn was at the track for most of the morning, me and Ember took the day off to go shopping for our outfits for the dinner since Zayn mentioned he already had his figured out, so he didn't need to get anything new.

We'd already raided the donation piles at the shop, but nothing really caught our eye and all that was left was checking if the mall had anything worth our money. Ember and I collectively despised stepping foot inside of a mall, choosing to thrift or shop online, but we didn't have any other choice than to just suck it up and go with it.

"I give up!" She releases the fabric from where she clung it to her chest, leaving the dress to fall entirely to the floor in one swipe. She steps out from the center of it and begins gathering her clothes, ready to get dressed to leave.

"Woah, easy, Lucky Charms." I cup her shoulders and stop her from moving. She meets my eyes with a hefty sigh, her shoulders sagging when I guide her to sit on the empty bench inside the fitting room and I walk to the opposite side to go over every option. "We have plenty of other options. Did you try this one?" I take out a hanger holding a sleek orange dress, but her grimace tells me she hates it.

"Trash, then." I put it on an empty hook with every other option discarded and rummage through our other selection. "This?"

"It looks like the dress I wore for Aunt Lina's funeral." She deadpans.

"Okayy," I squeak out, making sure the dress is at the very back of the discarded pile before sorting through the dresses until a specific one catches my eyes. "You need this one."

The dress was a silk god sent dress I was sure would look heavenly with her red locks and would compliment her freckled pale complexion. She agreed to try it on and it fit her like a glove with no effort whatsoever.

The dual tone of it made her skin shine, yet keeping it on the subtle side like she loves so much.

The dual tone of it made her skin shine, yet keeping it on the subtle side like she loves so much

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