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* 9 weeks preggo *

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* 9 weeks preggo *

"Ow! I told you to take it easy with the ones close to the ears."

Ember apologizes for the millionth time tonight before putting down the curling iron and picks up the brush instead, fluffing them out a little and spreading out some strands so they'll give my look more flare.

Today's the league's inauguration dinner and we'd spent a better half of the day pampering ourselves with trips to the nail salon to get fresh manicures, upping our skin care to the max for flawless makeup, and also taking our fair share of naps every time I'd work myself up too much and felt the need to do so.

I hadn't told Harry that I let Ember know about the dinner, but he also never said I couldn't. I did, however, tell her to not tell a soul if that were the case.

I had to tell someone for my own mental sanity, and Hunter wasn't going to cut it this time. I also needed help getting ready since I'd never been to an event this formal and Ember does have experience with these sorts of nights.

Harry and I hadn't really talked much or seen each other since the last race, the only interaction outside of the track being his text saying he'd be picking me up in an hour, so it gave us some time to get ready.

"Okay," Ember dropped whatever was in her hand and stood back, taking a sip of her alcohol concoction and threw her empty hand up. "I need a break!"

Her words are slower than her usual speedy chatter, making me laugh from my spot. I was now sitting cross-legged over the bathroom counter facing the mirror so I was closer to Ember's height and made it easier for her to fix my hair up.

Her ginger locks are pin straight, showcasing her stellar cheekbones anytime she'd turn her head even in the slightest. Her bangs are tucked behind her ears, her hair falling just right over her shoulders and brushing against them just subtly.

"What's that? Your second one?" I chuckle, looking at her relaxed state.

"I'm pregaming, so this is my third." She licks her licks to rid them of the small residue left behind from her sip.

I point at her through the mirror. "Lay off a little on that, will ya? I would appreciate it if you were still able to take cute pics of me in my dress."

"Oh, I must!" Her dramatic antics make me laugh. "I secured the film camera in my purse, no one is safe from my lens." She makes a frame shape with her fingers, squinting one eye and making a clicking sound.

"Please drink responsibly, okay?" I say on a more serious note. "I know you're safe with Zayn and I'll also be there, but if you ever need to bail or feel weird, don't be afraid to ask."

"Okay, mommy." She pouts with a strong nod, spinning on her heel and pouncing back to leave the room and leave me alone to get ready.

Since Harry asked me — well, was very persuasive on me being his date —, I kept an eye on any donation the shop received or double checked on stores around the city to see if I could find anything that could color coordinate with his suit, but nothing came close to the dress I got on the night of my birthday on my doorstep.

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