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Ada and Shuri sat in bed together, cuddling together. Every time they did cuddle, Ada held on tighter because of what happened the last time they cuddled.

"You know how your brother has been sick lately?" Ada brought it up as she looked at Shuri.
"Yes. Why?"

"Did you guys ever figure out what it was?"

"No," she said. "But it left his system, so I think he's going to be fine. Anyway, how are you?"

It's been about three months since Ada told Queen Ramonda about who the Second Black Panther was and who gave her the powers. Ada was suffering for the first month, but now she seems fine. Shuri was worried as she knew Ada hid her feelings pretty well over the years, but she didn't want to pressure her into telling her the truth.

"I'm fine. I miss my parents, but I can see them whenever I want, just as Okoye can see W'Kabi whenever she wants. It's weird not having them here, but... They got what they deserved," she shrugged in the end.

Ada definitely had a complicated relationship with her parents. On the one hand, she missed them terribly and wished they could have stayed in Wakanda, so she could spend more time with them. On the other hand, she was relieved that they were gone, because their presence in Wakanda always brought tension and fear with them.

When Ada was just 14, her parents made the Second Black Panther, a clone of the first Black Panther, and for that, Queen Ramonda banished them from Wakanda. With the appearance of the Second Black Panther, the public felt betrayed and Ramonda's trust in her own people had been broken. Ramonda trusted no one, least of all Ada's parents, and so their banishment was necessary to restore the belief of the people in their Queen.

Ada was always aware of the silent tension between Ramonda and her parents, and it made her anxious. She was so nervous that if Ramonda ever found out that she was the Second Black Panther, she would be banished as well as her parents. But Ada was also determined to prove herself to Ramonda, and so she worked hard to regain her trust. With the help of Shuri, Ada eventually did prove herself to Ramonda and was accepted by the Queen.

The knowledge that her parents had been banished for her own creation still weighed heavily on Ada's heart, however. She knew that she had been lucky to be welcomed back by Ramonda, but she also wished that her parents could have experienced the same. She wished she could have shared her successes with them, but sadly their banishment meant that she would never get the chance to do so.

Ada was sometimes able to take solace in the fact that her parents had been brave enough to risk Ramonda's wrath in order to make the Second Black Panther. She knew that they had sacrificed a lot in order to do this, and she couldn't help but admire their courage and determination. She was also thankful that they had made her, as the Second Black Panther was her life now and she was proud to be able to help Wakanda in such a huge way.

Although Ada still wished she could have shared her successes with her parents, she was happy that they were gone from Wakanda. It meant that she no longer had to worry about Ramonda's disapproval, and she could live her life freely and use her powers for good. She was thankful for the opportunity she had to do what she was best at, and to be a hero for Wakanda without the people of Wakanda knowing it was her, and she knew that, in some way, her parents were with her on her journey.

A knock on the door interrupted the girls' conversation. "It's open," they said in unison, making the girls giggle.

T'Challa walked inside the room, smiling at the two. Ever since they came back to Wakanda, they've been inseparable, even more so when Ime and Baako were banished. He was very fond of the relationship, making him think of him and Nakia the first time they were together.

"My mother wishes to see you, Ada. She says it's about your parent's situation."

She lightly sighed, knowing that means they were trying to talk to Ada. She nodded, smiling at him as her response.

"Well, I'll let you two get back to talking," he smiled at them, letting a small cough out. He left the room, letting Ada turn back to Shuri.

"I love you," she smiled at Shuri. "So much."

"Ndikuthanda ngakumbi, sithandwa sam. (I love you more, my love.)"

They both went in for a kiss, but the sound of a loud thump caused them to turn their heads. Ada tossed the blankets off of her body and went to the door. She opened it and saw T'Challa on the floor with no one around. "T'Challa!" She ran over to him, using her Kimoyo beads to make sure he has a pulse.

"Shuri," she said, feeling her girlfriend's presence near her. "Go call someone. Shuri! Go call someone!"

Shuri, who was basically paralyzed in fear, slowly nodded and went down the halls. The realization of what was happening hit her like a truck as she started running down the halls to go find the infirmary.

When she finally got some nurses and came back, Ada was trying to wake the king up. The nurses took him away as both girls started panting with the intense situation that just happened.

 The nurses took him away as both girls started panting with the intense situation that just happened

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