Her lip pulled up into a snarl. "Yes, I suppose there is a chance. Well, no matter the gender, we should all pray for the health of Brother Felix and his child. Please make sure that you do so. This meeting is adjourned."


"Please don't rile up Bellatrix any further-" Harry startled at the unexpected voice, his head snapping to the side to meet the unimpressed stare of Regulus. The man had obviously followed him all the way to his palace unbeknownst to him or Anya, whose surprise and worry were palpable. "-You don't want to face the consequences whilst you still hold little of your own power." Regulus' tone was chiding and sharp, and it made Harry's teeth grit.

"I wasn't riling her up. If anything, she was trying to antagonise me!"

"That may be so, but you still made a statement by mentioning that Felix already has a son, and may yet have another. My cousin-" Here, he heaved out a sigh. "Is admittedly getting older now, and is approaching fifty quickly. Our family has always had decreased fertility, and it only grows worse with age. She desperately wants a son, so please don't use something like that against her."

Harry turned to fully face Regulus, a frown on his face. "If she didn't want to be hurt, she shouldn't hurt others. She had most likely done more harm to our Brothers and Sisters, the maids and Eunuchs, and his Majesty than I ever will." He span on his heel and began walking towards the Palace of Noble Handsomeness, ignoring Regulus' calls.

"Harry, I'm only trying to help you out!"

"Master, that was unwise of you. Please don't alienate yourself from such a powerful ally. Go back to him and apologise." His head maid spoke into his ear, and Harry shot her a glare.

"I can do as I wish, I'm following my morals." Turning to face her just before they entered the gate, Harry leaned closer, cupping his hand to obscure his words. "And don't order me around. You may be precious to me, but my reputation...my family's reputation isn't to be tarnished by me being seen to be chastised by a maid."

Her eyes widened in understanding, head whipping around, noticing the eyes of passing Eunuchs and fellow maids on them. "My apologies, Master. I didn't think."

"I need you to be strong for me, Anya, the perfect maid. You are the head of my staff, please continue to meet those expectations. I can't trust many, and I will continue to trust you without a doubt until you give me a reason."


8th April- Wednesday

In a change of pace, Harry was invited for lunch with Attendant Lukas, who he had yet to have any meaningful interactions with. The Attendant, whilst not exactly standoffish, came with the unfortunate position of being close to Concubine Patricia, who Harry was avoiding as much as he could. He was, admittedly, afraid of the woman, more so than he was of Bellatrix. The Consort could be controlled by Regulus, talked down by her fellow Consorts into a more mellow mood, and didn't often resort to violence towards her fellow concubines. Patricia, however, was reported to have done many violent things towards many different people, including concubines. Harry couldn't help but think of the suspicious circumstances her daughter died every time he looked at her.

In attendance were other First-class attendants, such as Zacharias Smith and Theodore Nott, Second-Class Attendant Merula Snyde, who was sat next to the man, and, unfortunately, Concubine Rakepick, who was glaring daggers into Harry from her seat opposite.

It became clear as to why this unusual gathering was called for when Lukas, after having spoken with everyone around the table for a little while, trying to appear innocuous, smirked suddenly. "On my birthday, I requested to spend the night with the Emperor, which he agreed upon. Hopefully, my darling daughter should expect news of a little sibling soon."

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