Chapter 50: Discussions

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Revving up the engine as I pulled outside the white mansion of my parents home, I lowered my Dior sunglasses to the sight of my dad storming outside.

"Are you ever going to stop winding up your dad?" Elias smirked as he neatened his black tie. 

God damn he looked ravishing. A designer suit, a Rolex watch and his hair styled back to perfection. If my dad wasn't walking towards us, I would have jumped his bones right here in the car.

"Never. Besides, you can't talk. You fucked me whilst I was on the phone to him. So, if I were you babe, act wisely" I smirked at my fiancee as I stepped out of the car.

But before I could climb out of the car like an independent woman, Finn sprinted out the front door and pretty much shoved me back in.

"Ow!" I gasped out wondering why he was doing such a thing.

Oh fuck.

Gathering his erratic breathing, Finn moved to the side and held out his hand for me to take.

"Really Finn?" I sighed as I placed my hand in his.

I thought this was a phase. Don't boys grow out of this?

"A lady should be treated like a queen at all times. Eli, take notes otherwise my sister will dump your butt" Finn growled out at Elias as he held my hand in his much smaller hand.

Glancing over my shoulder, I stuck my tongue out at Elias who was staring at Finn with his jaw dropped.

"Oh hi daddy" I smiled at my red faced dad who glared at me.

"You trying to give me a heart attack?! First the phone call, second you driving a death machine like that and third you are out here looking too beautiful!" dad growled out with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah! Too beautiful. Go inside and change into your pyjamas young lady!" Finn suddenly scolded me and pointed to the front door repeating what I've heard dad say too many times.

"Dad, he's literally your parrot" I chuckled as I ruffled Finn's hair.

"Hey! D-Don't touch my hair. It's got gel in it. I look like daddy" Finn pouted as he frantically ran his hands over the now messed up hair. 

"Oh heck, it's dad 2.0. And I'm sorry Finny, it looks nice. Very smart" I smiled reassuringly before giving him a kiss on his chubby cheek.

"Goodness gracious, Sofia. You're just like your mother. Both of you are troublemakers" dad scoffed.

"Oscar?" Mum suddenly called out in a stern tone.

Admiring how amazing mum looked after recently giving birth to twins, I watched as she slapped dad across the back of the head before pointing at him and telling him to shush.

"You look like daddy Finn, but you're definitely a mama's boy, aren't you?" Mum cooed to Finn as she picked him up.

"Yes. I love my mama" he giggled as he rubbed his nose against mum's.

Pressing a kiss on his cheek, she lowered him to the ground asking for him to bring me one of his freshly made cupcakes.

Watching him run off, she turned back to me and not even seconds later embraced me with a big warm hug.

"Ignore your father, you are looking radiant. Hang on"-

Nothing slips past her.

Mum stared into my eyes with a quizzical expression on her face and even though her eyes were locked with mine, she picked up my hand and slowly lowered her eyes down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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