Chapter 31: Igniting the fire

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2 days later

Sleeping in my old bedroom, I clutched the duvet tightly as I stared round the dark room feeling very uneasy.

I wasn't ever afraid of the dark, but I hated the vulnerability it brought.

Everyone volunteered to stay with me to keep me company, but I knew I had to be strong. I couldn't let the demons win.

Tossing and turning, I looked at all the possible entry sights and shuddered. I had triple checked the lock on my bedroom door and all the windows. I had even resorted to checking my wardrobe and under the bed.

Someone could be waiting to strike once the lights go out.

Knowing I was safe at home with extra guards all around, I closed my eyes and rolled over hoping to get some sleep.

But as my eyes opened to the light on the moon, I looked up in horror to see the huge windows wide open with the sheer curtains blowing wildly as cold air burst in.

Crying out in fear, I threw the duvet over me and shivered praying they'd leave me alone for once. I didn't deserve this.

But the room stayed silent. Not a sound could be heard except for the harsh howls of the wind.

"I am coming for you Sofia" a voice whispered out suddenly.

The same voice that haunted every part of my mind.

Shaking uncontrollably, I pressed my hand over my mouth hoping he wouldn't see my body under the duvet in the darkness of my room.

But as I opened my eyes, evil black eyes bore into mine as I realised he was under the covers with me.

"You'll always be alone Sofia" he laughed like a maniac as he pulled out the same electrodes he tortured me with.

Screaming in fear, I tried lifting the covers off of me, but the safety they once provided was now my prison.

He continued to laugh as I screamed for help desperate to escape from him.

And as if someone had heard me, my covers were lifted off me and I was pulled out from the dungeon with the devil.

Strong arms wrapped around me and carried me over to the sofa on the other side of the room.

"It's alright sweetheart, you're safe. You're safe. He's not here. He won't ever hurt you again. Just listen to my voice".

He didn't even need to speak to bring comfort. God, he smelt just like he did when we first met. The expensive smell of his Jean Paul Gautier invaded every sense bringing me peace like it always did.

To think I'd lost him for good, only to have him by my side once more. 

Feeling him rock me like a parent would with a child, I looked up at him through blurry vision and clutched onto him tighter than I ever had before.

"You're safe and I promise to never let him get near you again. He will never be able to hurt you, mafia queen".

Something shifted inside of me as he whispered the last two words as if he were talking to himself. But with me being on his lap, I heard the words very well.

My brain was still completely fried from everything I had been through, but the words mafia didn't frighten me like they should. 

Reluctantly turning away from Elias, I looked to the open window wondering why the room suddenly felt so warm. It was stormy outside and blew in cold air. 

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