Chapter 44: Ending it all

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Towards the end of the chapter, there is a sensitive topic which may be upsetting for some people. I'll put a warning just before it.


Standing before the double doors, I stared at the intricate detailing on the wood and took in a deep breath.

It's scary how true power can make a person feel. To think I went from a wannabe business women to a broken women to a mafia Queen. Little did my enemies know that everyone holds power, all it takes is a single event to bring it out.

Knowing I'd be ending it all by the time the sun would set, I lifted my head up with my eyes shut picturing the amazing victory I'd have the moment I kill the bitch.

"Have I told you how inspirational you are Sofia Hendricks".

Turning round to look at my dad, I couldn't help but smile at his words.

"Dad, you can't call me an inspiration. You and mum are the true inspirations and"-

"Ever since you were a little girl, you were always a little stubborn monkey. You were adamant from the day I met your mother that you'd get a baby sister. You were a mastermind at the age of 3".

Frowning at his words, I watched as he knelt before me and grabbed my hand and placed it in his much larger one.

"Life is fucking cruel Sofia. In this life I dragged you into I have seen the worst of the worst. Your childhood wasn't easy. You were a target for simply being my daughter. The amount of sleepless nights I had in fear of losing you or someone hurting you. But do you know who inspired me to keep fighting? You. You were fierce and a true mafia princess by the time you could walk. You held no fear and didn't tolerate time wasters. Under a restricted life, you my girl lived. It's true what they say, men should fucking shake in fear at the names of the Hendricks women. You have been my inspiration from the start and now I kneel before you giving you all I have. You're a natural fighter, a leader and I couldn't be prouder of my little girl".

Tears poured down my cheeks as my dad stared up at me with intensity in his eyes. This was exactly what I needed to hear before the finale of this tiresome show.

"Now, I believe your army is waiting for the arrival of their Queen".

Watching dad stand up to his much taller height, I lifted my hand to his slightly ageing face and stroked his cheek.

Nodding at him, I looked back at the double doors which opened almost immediately and walked out with dad close behind me.

Letting my heels click against the marble floor, I held my head high as I walked through the huge crowd of men with guns in their hands all anticipating our next move.

As the crowd parted for me, I looked over to see mum sitting on a chair smirking at me as she quickly shoved a mini doughnut in her mouth. Amelia was stood beside her resting her arm on mum's shoulder as if she were protecting her in case anything were to happen.

Amelia gave me a quick nod before handing mum another mini doughnut.

It was probably a good idea. Mum was hormonal during her pregnancies and if she ever got hungry, people would sure enough face her wrath.

Watching dad stand beside them, I looked back to the throne only to see my kitten laying on the arm rest awaiting my arrival.

Stroking my finger under my kitten's chin, I turned to look out at my dedicated army and smirked at them.

I could have given them a whole speech firing them up about how far we've come, but in this moment and time there was no need for it. We were all ready and sometimes a few words were more powerful than a whole damn speech.

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