Chapter 34: The Queen rises

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2 weeks later

"You dirty dog. You're hornier than ever. My girl is catching up big time".

Smirking at Lizzie as my eyes fell on her leaning on the railing with her own smirk knowing I got railed not even a minute ago.

Closing the door shut leaving Elias in a state of utter bliss, I neatened my pencil skirt and tried to straighten my hair before walking past her.

"Hey, I don't blame you. You've given me details before. You're one lucky girl. Besides, I can't complain".

Stopping through the hallway, I looked back at Lizzie with a raised brow wondering what she meant.

Quickly making sure no-one was around, Lizzie unbuttoned a single button and pulled the top down to reveal fresh hickey marks on the tops of her breast.

"Who?" I chuckled as I went to link arms with her.

"One of the men who rescued me. I decided it was time to stop messing around with boys and find myself a man. Let's just say, I won't be letting this one go. Look at us, powerful mafia women with protective mafia men. Unstoppable queens".

Looking at my best friend with a sense of pride, we walked through the house with queen energy radiating off us.

I was still at a complete high from the meeting with Giovanni. I thrived off the fear on his face. He was terrified because he knew there was nothing more dangerous than a woman with nothing to lose. Even though Finn, Nora and Amelia were my weaknesses, he wouldn't be able to touch them. 

Walking into my father's office, I sat down on his huge office chair and smiled at the tray of food left for us with a cute little note from Nana and Finn who I assumed helped to make breakfast but made sure to decorate the tray with lots of flowers around the food.

With Lizzie sitting opposite me, we both reached for the cups of coffee before tucking into the delicious smelling food.

"Sofia Rose Hendricks, I know that look. Stop it!" Lizzie growled out with food in her mouth.

I frowned at her wondering why she was getting funny with me.

"You don't fool anyone. Babe, I know you still feel guilty about everything that happened with Gi- shit I can't even say that scums name. It is not your fault. You have been hurt and were grieving. He took advantage. He's to blame".

Lizzie knew me better than anyone. She knew how much the guilt ate me up. Even though I tried to defend her, I didn't try hard enough. I should have pushed Giovanni away, I should have tried to talk to the people who took her away. But I was too caught up in shock and now I realise, Giovanni's arms weren't there to comfort me, but they were there to isolate me away from everyone.

Putting my plate of food down, I looked at Lizzie and shook my head. 

"Don't even think about it Sofia. I don't want to hear you continuously destroy yourself by taking the blame. Besides, you believed me. I remember it clearly. I didn't mean to scare you by holding the gun up. But I had to use the chance, but he had the upper hand as he knew I'd try. I don't want you to think about that asshole anymore. Tell me, how's things with Elias?" she raised a brow as she picked up a piece of crispy bacon.

Elias. Elias Sullivan. Where do I start with that man.

"It's good" I mumbled as I turned my attention back to my food.

But before I could eat anymore, Lizzie grabbed the plate from out of my hand and shook her head.

"Oh no you don't. Elaborate. Are you guys official? When's the date for the wedding? Babies?" she beamed at the thought of being an aunt.

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