Chapter 23: Take away my pain

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1 week later

Guiding the last piece of paper in the shredder, I rested my head against the filing cabinet and sighed.

I hated myself for getting upset. I hated myself for caring especially when I was in another relationship, but as soon as I saw the front page of the newspaper, pain was all I felt.

It should have been me in the photos with him. We had planned everything. It was the one thing I loved. Planning a future with him, but Elias and the heiress of a multi million pound company were on the front pages showing off their beautiful wedding surrounded by love and happy faces.

The pain was excruciating seeing the man who I thought was the love of my life in the arms of another woman. 

But the more I looked at the photos, the more something seemed off. The bitch looked happy, over the moon as if she won the lottery, but Elias seemed to be faking it. I knew his genuine smile, I saw it every morning when I woke up in his arms no matter how sleepy he was. This wasn't his usual smile.

But for everyone else, it looked like a smile as if he had gained the world. 

"Nothing makes sense anym"-

"Hey beautiful".

Quickly scrunching the paper up, I chucked it into the fire and smiled as Giovanni carefully walked in carrying 2 cups of Starbucks coffee.

"Hi!" I smiled, jumping up and hugging him in appreciation.

Grabbing the coffee with my name on it, I giggled as he tried to steal a kiss, but I dodged his lips and sat down on his desk sipping on the cream of my latte.

"Excuse me, I brought you a latte, where's my thanks?" he asked with a playful glare on his face whilst roaming his eyes up my bare legs before looking back into my eyes.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I stared lovingly at my latte.

Giovanni scoffed loudly before coming to stand in between my legs. He stared at me intensely as I enjoyed the sweetness of my hot drink. 

"What?" I asked as I began to feel uneasy under his intense stare. 

Giovanni grabbed my drink from my grasp and pushed himself up against me causing me to let out a rather embarrassing moan.

Giovanni raised a brow as I clamped a hand over my mouth.

"That's one fucking way to turn me on" he growled out before bringing my cup to his lips.

Oh hell no.

Before he could take a sip, I quickly dodged under his arms and pushed him back whilst gripping his hair so his head was pulled backwards meeting my eyes.

"Mine" I snapped at him whilst grabbing the cup from out of his hands, but Giovanni stayed still completely stunned by my unexpected moves.

"Where did you learn to move like that you sneaky little devil" he teased, but I could tell he was shocked.

"I'm not sure if I did as a child, but throughout my teenage years my mum and dad taught me self defense".

I was extremely grateful to be trained by them. They never told me why though. But mum and dad wanted to make sure we were all able to get out of danger, even Finn and he was a badass at it even though he never liked to practice with us. The idea of hurting a girl even whilst training was a deal breaker for him. So it was always him and dad together.

I guess the world is so cruel that you should know the basics of self defense. It was a dangerous world for men, women and children. Sexual crimes against women were on the rise. Every corner, every stranger and every friendly smile could be deadly. But after that encounter in my office, I'd never let another man hurt me. 

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