Chapter 2: Office talk

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"Jesus Sofia, you trying to give me a heart attack" dad yelled out whilst resting his hand over his heart.

I always loved his office. It held such aura even when he wasn't there. It had 'the boss' feel to it and I enjoyed sitting in the big armchair spinning round with a stern expression. All I was missing was a cat. Oreo would have been perfect for the job.

Laughing at his innocent scared face, I went to get up but dad shook his head and sat down on the chair opposite to me.

"So what's up?" I asked whilst stealing one of his chocolates from his drawer.

Dad glared at me and normally he'd come up with some sassy remark, but this time he simply shook his head. Something was definitely on his mind.

"You tell me what you were going to say first" he replied making me frown.

"I asked you first" I muttered back stubbornly. I wanted to hear from him why he was angry on the phone.

"Oh, I was just going to say that we're going on a family holiday to Italy in a week. I know you've been busy at work, but I am not going to lie, I am extremely pissed off Sofia".

Italy! I was so excited to go back there. We loved it so much that dad purchased a villa out there and it was beautiful. As much as I was excited at the idea of a family holiday, I knew he was lying and holding something back from me. But dad was stubborn, I'd never be able to get it out of him.

"Why daddy? What did I do? You mad about me eating a chocolate? Alright, I'll buy you a whole box tomorrow".

Dad frowned and shook his head.

"Really, you going to act like nothing is up?" he grumbled out with a very unimpressed look on his face.

Shit. Did he know about me setting Kian up?

Acting like nothing was up, I simply shrugged my shoulders and rested my feet on his mahogany desk.

"Sofia, I have CCTV in the building where we work. Were you ever gonna tell me about those fucking business men? God, the way they looked at you made me sick to my stomach. You have to tell me stuff like this. I know you're grown up and you can handle yourself, but do you think for one second I'd ever want to do business with a bunch of dogs looking at my baby like that. There's some messed up people out there and as a father it's my duty to protect you from them".

Well now I felt bad. I knew there was CCTV, but my dad was like a guardian angel. I should have known he'd do something like this and watch the CCTV cameras in the meeting room. It annoyed me as it felt as though he didn't trust me. But then again, he was incredibly protective over us.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I know you've been stressed and I didn't want to worry you. Of course, if they touched me you'd know about it. But I'd also break their hands if they did. I've been trained since I was a little girl. I don't even know why I've been trained except for the fact you're a successful businessman and may have rivals. But I'm not a little girl anymore".

I could see dad staring at me with a pained expression. I don't know what was going through that big old brain of his, but something was up and I vowed to get to the bottom of it.

"Sofia Rose Hendricks, you will always be my little girl. I know you'd give them hell if they dared cross the line, I just want you to tell me the names of anyone who made you uncomfortable. I don't want to make deals with pigs like them. But I am so fucking proud of the way you handled yourself. You remind me of your mum, so much strength. I am so proud of the kind yet fierce woman you have become". Dad chuckled as he wiped away the odd tear that fell from his eye.

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